Dutiful son
Zap - ouch - zap- ouch

Happy birthday to me

Well, guess it's time to admit to middle age, seeing as I was born 58 years ago today. I do have the middle age spread to go with it.
So - who else was born July 18?
- my younger sister - by 11 years (kewl eh?)
- Red Skelton
- Screaming Jay Hawkins (who?)
- Nelson Mandela
- John Glenn
- Vin Diesel

Some horoscopes (not sure which one I'll pick) -

For those of us born on: July 18
Happy Birthday: This is a year of high performance and progressive action. You will do your best work when you are allowed to control the outcome of any situation. A leadership position will suit you best, so consider starting your own business -- find yourself a banker who believes in your insight and ideas. -- Birthday Baby: You are a high achiever with intensity far exceeding any challenge that comes your way. You stand up for your rights and you look out for the people you love


Update: darn, here's something I forgot to do on my birthday. Maybe next year.

More Horoscopes:

To pump up their volume above the prevailing human din, some nightingales in big cities have learned to unleash 95-decibel songs, matching the loudness of a chainsaw. I'd love to see you make a similar push, Cancerian, because let's face it: If your output remains at its current level, you'll continue to be half-invisible, never making the impact you should. So raise your intensity, please. Whatever you've been doing to express your uniqueness, do it louder. However you've been contributing your beauty to the world, do it bigger.
You might be prone to spending more than usual. Whatever plans are occurring, know that you can say "no." A partner or friend encourages you to go hog-wild. A secret needs to be kept just that, even if you're dying to share it. Tonight: *** Be reasonable with money.
Reflecting on past mistakes and glories helps you make solid career decisions. Make contact with people from your past. It won't be awkward -- in fact, you'll be received with open arms by long-lost friends and sweeties.
As Saturn and the sun team up in your sign, that “L” that’s been tattooed to your forehead is becoming less of a burden. Now it stands for “lucky” instead of “loser.” Like the Utah man who recently won over a half million dollars on Jeopardy!, you could break records for being a smarty-pants. You figured out that those White Chicks are really Shawn and Marlon Wayans buried beneath a mountain of latex. And, somehow, you have your doubts about Britney’s latest engagement. Your new superhero name: “The Brainiac.” ---------------------
Now that Venus is back to its normal pattern, your life will return to some kind of normalcy. Chiron and Saturn, like a pair of hospital matrons, strict and stern but with your healing uppermost in their minds, begin dancing a duo around the mid-month.

Could be that you are being helped in some way to work out a new financial balance. Around the third week of the month that old relationship problem challenges you again. Regular readers of horoscope columns know that a ‘challenge’ is a euphemism for a lesson you are simply not learning…

Be ruthlessly honest with yourself - what inoculation have you had that hasn’t taken?

Your social life will expand in every direction. The key is to refrain from taking on anything that you are not yet ready to do, not matter what others expect. Mind you aren’t tempted to poke your proboscis into other people’s problems even after you have agreed to leave it alone.



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Update - Sept 27, 2004 - spread is a little less - down from 199 lb to 184 lb in about two months. Just eating a little less in general, and lower fat where possible, and a bit more exercise.
Not less beer - I do have my limits. But it's one of those new light ones - 2.4 g carbs, still 4% alcohol and tastes like beer to me.

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