Bowls of Bigos
February 07, 2005
A friend sent out an invite to a bunch of us for a Bigos party this weekend. I Googled Bigos - it's a Polish Hunter Stew. Meats, sausage, apples, sauerkraut - I tried one recipe yesterday.
Made a heck of a mess
And a full pot of Bigos
So I had a plate full for dinner - with a Polish beer of course.
Yes - it does look a little blah. And tasted a little blah, once I got past the sauerkraut -even after two helpings.
So I added a bottle of beer, and some cooked cabbage and cooked carrots (didn't want to simmer another hour and have the meat dissolve). Recipe should have some game (as in HUNTER stew), but I couldn't find any roadkill today. Good news was that it tastes a bit better - bad news is the pot is full to the brim again. Maybe I can leave Tupperware containers of it on the bus, or give some to the next spare-changer I see downtown.
Next time I'd dredge pork in flour before browning, less sauerkraut, some cabbage, bottle of beer, skip the cooked ham, add a second kind of Polish sausage (kielbasa).