My So-called Life
ASQ Section 0407 Ottawa Valley November Newsletter

New Treo

So, here I am with a new toy - finally. Took Bell forever to get this out, but will be nice to have a cell and PDA and Web browser and email all together.

Note: above sent from my Treo 650 - works just fine.

Nov 6 - added a 1 G memory card from SanDisk so I can listen to music and load some of my fav pics on it. First tune - Mustang Sally - by The Commitments. Love that tune, so raunchy - allso like the way The Verdict does it. Now I need a little adapter thingy so that my stereo headphones can plug in to it - got one at The Source - wrong size! For $5 you'd think Treo would include one.

Software so far - an OpenSource prog Kmaps (because Google maps don't work on here) - and TiBR (TinyBookReader) as well as some free volumes from .


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