Fat lip in the loo

Legal graffiti walls

Feb 23 -I sent the following email in to City Staff here in Ottawa. No response on it as of March 18. They are open to the idea of legal areas, but I thought I'd add more info and persuasion. This email went to those developing a graffiti control program: namely Leslie Vanclief and Paul McCann (Service Operations), Walter Duhme (Orleans - Ottawa police anti-graffiti), and the councilors with the walls in their wards, Clive Doucet (House of Paint) and Diane Holmes (Tech Wall). Also copied my local councilor, Bob Monette.

Big thanks to Sabra for her word-smithing; stay tuned in here for info on the annual House of Paint event she is coordinating again -this year as part of Canada Dance Festival's HipHop 360.



I understand that you have some meetings coming up about Ottawa’s illegal graffiti and the different elements of a graffiti management program. As you know, I have been focusing on ways to encourage the positive artistic side of graffiti. I've put together some information on the subject that you might find interesting.   

In recent years I have been looking at legal, open walls, as well as commissioned one time pieces, and it is my belief that both are important elements in an effective graffiti management program.

Legal walls, on the one hand, provide an area for young, creative artists to express themselves freely, in the true spirit of graffiti art, with minimal rules and the knowledge that their pieces will be temporary, soon be replaced by another artists’ work. Despite the volume of use that some of these areas receive, careful site planning can minimize any issues of “bleeding” to other structures. In addition, it is often found that the quality of work at these legal walls is significant, as youth are given the opportunity to work on their creations in a worry free environment.

Commissioned pieces, on the other hand, entail working with the same young artists frequenting the legal walls to cover trouble spots with colourful and creative murals. This approach helps youth not only by providing short term employment but also by assisting in the long term development of a positive work ethic and personal skills such as project conceptualization and follow through.

Both approaches replace the thrill of illegality and recognition within a relatively small underground community with the positive feedback of public recognition by other artists, as well as community at large, and provide opportunities for youth to develop as artists. Thus adding a fifth element to the four “E”’s of Eradication, Empowerment, Education and Enforcement – that of Enjoyment. In addition, once these large pieces are done, tagging over that area is seldom an issue.

Legal Walls

The City of Gatineau has had several legal walls in place for a number of years, and they are considered a successful component of their graffiti management program. The Gatineau walls consist of free standing 8x12 foot walls in several parks as well as some free zones on bridge underpasses. Local youth, seeing these walls established to provide them an outlet for expression, realize that the community listens to their interests, so that relations with them have improved.

One legal wall already exists in Ottawa: The House of PainT, located under the Bronson Avenue Dunbar bridge. This was established in 2003 with the cooperation of the City of Ottawa, City Councilor Clive Doucet, and the Ottawa South Community Association, after a proposal by Ottawa South resident Sabra Ripley. Since then this legal wall has been used as the focal point for a successful yearly hip-hop festival, enjoyed by the community (young and old) and attracting local artists as well as crews from Toronto and Montreal. In addition, there is a year round changing display of graffiti by local artists enjoyed by community members and students, who often use the walking path to move between Ottawa South and Carleton University.

The Ottawa Tech Wall, on the school board property at Slater and Bronson, is a semi-legal area, in that it has been tolerated and used actively for over 15 years. Internationally recognized artists such as Juan Carlos Noria, Pat Thompson and John Brownfield started the wall years ago and, like many others, they have used it as a stepping stone to a formal career in art. The Tech Wall, also known as the Piece Park wall, also serves as an attractive backdrop to an inner city area, and is enjoyed every day by commuters along Slater Street.

Other cities, such as St. John’s, have put in place legal areas, with varying degrees of success. Two elements seem to be careful placement relative to other areas, and designing as part of an overall management strategy.   

I am currently working with my local City Councilor, Bob Monette, to establish a legal graffiti area this summer at the Orleans Sportsplex Skateboard Park. This will be patterned after the wooden walls used by the City of Gatineau.

Commissioned Pieces

Commissioned pieces, as part of a graffiti deterrence approach, have been used in Toronto as part of a successful 10 year program known as the Toronto Graffiti Transformation Project. This project funds local community groups to use graffiti art to alleviate the problem of youth unemployment and inspire neighborhood improvements. Through the program young artists are hired to target areas frequently plagued with illegal graffiti – they work with land and business owners on designs and help to cover problem areas with permanent murals.

The benefits to this approach include reduction in tagging, community beautification, youth engagement and employment, and dialogue between city officials, business and private land owners, and youth.  “Graduates” of the program have gone on to art school or to pursue careers in the field of art, occasionally working to establish other legal painting areas.

Here in Ottawa, some enterprising youths formed a ‘crew’ last summer, approached the landlord of Interpares on Laurier East with a design, and were paid to do a full length composition.  The wall, which had been frequently vandalized, remained tag free for months.

Commissioned or not, legal or not, graffiti art has become an admired aspect of the urban landscape.  Large pieces have been used as backdrops for advertisements, videos and films, even the CBC’s Rick Mercer stages his weekly “rant”  is against the artistic graffiti background of a downtown Toronto alley. Also in Toronto, Constable Scott Mills of Division 14 took a novel approach to the tackling the problem of local alleys that were plagued with garbage, tags, and drug dealers. He organized store owners and local youth to clean up and repaint the laneway – filling it with murals. Now you’re more likely to see tourists in there, snapping pictures of the urban art.

In Ottawa, areas like Tech Wall and House of PainT draw artists and art appreciators from across the city.  People using the parks associated with both walls indicate a general fascination with the art, appreciate the colours put up on otherwise grey concrete spaces, and enjoy the fact that the art is so often changing. 

I could speak more about the over all value of graffiti and free art, but I’ll stop here and share some links that you may find interesting and helpful as you work to find an effective resolution to the question of graffiti, here in the nations’ capital.

Please keep me in the loop as to how the discussions are going and don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or require further information.   


Mike Young


Articles and Websites

Gatineau Graffiti Management Program – http://www.adogatineau.ca/graffiti/index.asp

St. John’s legal wall - http://creativecity.ca/resources/project-profiles/St-John's-Legal-Wall.html

Toronto Graffiti Transformation Program - http://www.toronto.ca/graffiti/graffiti_transformation.htm

Toronto Observer story on Scott Mills’ project - http://tobserver.centennialcollege.ca/cycleoctnov2007/6-11-17-JoshGraffiti.html

Community report on House of Paint - www.oldottawasouth.com/oscar/200311/november.pdf


House of Paint opening (2003) http://www.flickr.com/photos/ravensview/sets/554921/

Tech Wall – http://www.flickr.com/photos/ravensview/106152403/in/set-190870/

                 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/ravensview/156836041/in/set-190870/

                 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/ravensview/181215596/in/set-190870/

Gatineau Walls - http://www.flickr.com/photos/ravensview/211984334/in/set-72057594121026661/

Interpares (Laurier) -  http://www.flickr.com/photos/ravensview/168377573/in/set-190870/


Mar 12- I talked with Constable Scott Mills of Division 14 in Toronto - that includes from Spadina west to Jamieson, and from the Lake north to just past Bloor. His signature file says he is  "Toronto School Crimestoppers Cop, Legal Graffiti Art Guy". Typical of his down to earth attitude. I've included a copy of an interview he did recently for Gallery Crawl. Download gc_interview_constable_scott_mills_070311.pdf (799.0K) he is also Operations Director for NOtoGANGS. His approach is to give youth that are busted for illegal tagging an option to join his program. They start off cleaning up illegal tags, and then get to work with, and learn from, established artists, in the creation of large graffiti murals. These are done with the permission of the property owners of course, and usually the artists are given license to design what they want. If the piece gets some minor tags, the artists repair it - if it's completely bombed then a new piece is done.

Mar 15 - Although I had not heard back from them on th previous material, I sent this additional info in to the same city list, along with a copy of the above interview of Scott Mills.


Leslie, etc.

I had sent you some information three weeks ago on some of the positive aspects of legal graffiti, along with links to the overall management programs used by Gatineau and Toronto. I have not had any questions or feedback on what I have sent, and don’t see any of it reflected in your proposed bylaw. In fact, even though it should be a draft, and consultation has been requested, many of the issues seem already decided, with a somewhat one-sided and narrow presentation for people to decide from. I’m not sure if this approach is that of council, or staff, or both.

Since then I have also talked with Constable Scott Mills of Division 14 in Toronto, who has sent me a number of useful files and links. I have attached one such document, an interview he did recently. I have more material if any of you are interested in following up further on this.

I have also made arrangements to meet on March 26th with Scott and some of the other key players in his initiative.

He will also be speaking April 3rd in Toronto at the International BIA Conference, his topic The Problem of Graffiti – New Initiatives. 


Mar 15 - I learned that the City of Ottawa had prepared a draft graffiti bylaw, and was looking for feedback via a public consultation form. I was concerned that although the form said it was listing the issues, they seemed to be all from one viewpoint, without considering creative ways to manage the problem of illegal graffiti, ways that also included the youth in the list of external stakeholders. I sent the following to a number of my contacts in the hip-hop community, along with a copy of the comment form. Deadline is before the next city meeting on this, which is on the 20th.



As many of you already know, I’ve been a photographer of graffiti as an art form for 8 years – both in Toronto and Ottawa. From that I got involved into more of the hip-hop culture – breakdancing and DJ-s. As a fan and as a volunteer only, as I’m an older retired (and fragile) guy.

I’ve been working with Councilor Bob Monette here in Orleans to do a pilot project legal graffiti wall (or two) in the Orleans Sportsplex Skateboard park. This is patterned after the legal walls that Gatineau has used in their parks for a number of years. They have found that legal walls do work, if carefully sited and part of an overall graffiti management program that also includes the youth as stakeholders. The graffiti is controlled, "bleed" in not an issue, the youth gain a respect for property and involvement in the community, and many residents find they enjoy this art form.

I have found successes in other cities, such as St. John’s, Philadelphia, and closer to here – Toronto. Toronto has a city wide Graffiti Transformation project that funds youth at risk via community associations to work with property owners to replace tagged walls –permanently- with works of art. In addition, Constable Scott Mills of Division 14 there has developed his role as Crime Stoppers officer for Toronto schools to include a very successful program. He offers those caught as illegal taggers an opportunity to join up with and learn from a crew of experienced graffiti artists – they start with painting over illegal tags in the area and then eventually work with their mentors to approach property owners and obtain permission, and funds, for major works on the buildings. The youth learn respect and responsibility and pride in their work, the adults gain a better opinion of the youth, illegal tagging is reduced, and the community gains the art. In fact, one of "his" walls, in an alley formerly full of garbage and haunted by drug users, is now on used on the Rick Mercer Report "rant", and is frequented by tourists with cameras.

Ottawa is drafting a bylaw that seeks to make all graffiti illegal, even if done with permission, and treats the symptom with increased police patrols and repeated fines. I have been suggesting that a more complete management program similar to Toronto’s be developed. This would include a component to involve the youth as other than just criminals to be fined, give them and property owners the option and process to work on a creative solution together. In addition to those areas of static murals, I believe the artists in Ottawa also need more free-style, legal areas, for whatever they want to put up, whenever, as individuals or crews. We have so far only the legal House of Paint (Bronson bridge) as well as the almost legal Tech wall downtown at Slater and Bronson.

The City is looking for feedback on this bylaw, and the issue of graffiti –I’ve attached a copy of the form they are using for this. Many of you will see the negative slant, and some generalizations – please take a few minutes to add not just opinions but constructive criticism, and then send it back in to the City. Their deadline is March 20th. If you email it in, please cc me, as I’d like to see what the response is.

If you’d like more information don’t hesitate to contact me. Please pass this on, especially to your Ottawa friends. Comment sheet is below.

Download Commentsheet.doc


Mar 15 - the same night I got a copy of Stephen Leafloor's input - and with his OK I passed on to the group I had sent the comment form to, as below:


FYI – Stephen said I could pass this on to all, he speaks from experience and says it well. He will also be adding specific comments to some points in the Comment Form if he has time.
I’m also attaching a copy of an interview Const. Scott Mills did in Toronto recently on his program. I had sent a note to some of city staff and council on Feb 23rd with information on various programs – it’s on my blog.
I’ll add other material I have on this to the same blog post, to keep the link fixed.

Stephen's response to the City:

I have just received a copy of the city's Graffiti Management Strategy – Public Consultation .
I am a dad of 3 and a social worker for 25years working with youth at risk. I also completed my Masters Thesis in 1985 on Hiphop and its importance for Social Workers, and I have looked at Graffiti (as one of the elements of Hiphop ) at length over the years.
I will try and find the time to respond to some of what is in your document but quite honestly I'm a bit shocked at the pervasive slant as Graffiti positioned as only a bad thing.
It reflects little understanding or knowledge about youth culture and appears to reflect a naive opinion that Graffiti can be dealt with by bylaws and enforcement.
Your topics like education do not explore teaching youth about the history of Graffiti and trying to look at considering it as a viable art form- with certain public walls designated at Graffiti walls. How about making it mandatory that all police working with youth need to go back to school and educate themselves about current youth cultures so that they can at least try and understand what is going on. I suspect most police have very little understanding about the history of graffiti and its relevance to youth- hence they only focus on enforcement.I think that its the job of anyone working with youth to constantly update their knowledge base and skills.
If you are going to release a document like this you need to try and educate yourself as to both sides of the issue.It is the responsibility of police, social workers, educators and public policy makers on youth issues to take the time to try and understand something before they push forward with it.
I am not for the destruction of private property- but there are much better alternatives to look at- once you take the time to try and understand something like the culture of Hiphop.
Please note that I know a fair bit about all of this as I work across Canada in the Arctic and with first nations communities- doing social work programs through Hiphop. http://blueprintforlife.ca
Some of the work we are doing up north is being talked about as the most important community development and youth outreach in 20 yrs. And guess what- we also teach Graffiti- even in schools and classrooms.The National Crime Prevention strategies in Nunavut, NWT and the Yukon are looking at what we are doing as a model for community development.
Communities need to look creatively at how to work with and through youth cultures so that young people can continue to have a voice and express themselves creatively.
Please, Please do not make any hasty decisions on these issues without being fully informed.You need to look at programs in other city's that work with the concept that graffiti in itself is not a bad thing- but that destruction of private or public property is. It also warrants discussions around other issues about who makes the decisions on other public spaces and the bombardment we are subjected to ever day in the world of advertisements. Personally I would rather see a unique mural done by a young artist tha[n] another ad for McDonalds or a car company.
Feel free to call me if you would like to talk about this further.
Steve Leafloor [phone number]

Mar - 15  I talked with Kay Anonsen, Arts and Cultural Development Coordination for St. John's, Nfld., they have both legal walls and an active wall mural project in place. With all the hills and retaining walls in the city there is no shortage of boring concrete to be livened up. And that's the way that they approach it, from an artistic point of view, to beautify the city, rather than expecting a definite link with crime reduction.  The initial funding for the legal walls was via a Canada Council Grant several years ago, coordinated by Catherine Watson of Ottawa. The project, Terminus 1525,  involved four cities. St. John's hired Montgomery Hall to act as artist and facilitator, and the project grew to include several walls, with additional funding from the city. The work continues, as the legal free-style walls are always being changed, plus there are murals to be added throughout the city. For the murals, artists are expected to bid with a design and budget, whether they are a youth group or a dedicated mural artist. For either group, once the art is done, respect is shown and tagging is rare. I asked again specifically if there was an issue with graffiti "bleeding" from legal walls to other areas, and was told by Kay that it was not a problem, they ensure the legal walls are located away from other structures.  This is the same answer I got from my official contacts for the Gatineau and the Toronto programs. Kay has a view of one legal wall from her home, and does not worry about tags - she just enjoys the view.  She admits some pieces are more exiting than others, depending on the artist, but it's art and it's dynamic.

Mar 19 - I received a copy of the following comment, sent by P. Young of Toronto to Leslie Vanclief:


Having worked with youth for many years, I found that you must understand the present culture and values in which they live in order to blend their perceptions with those of society at large. As leaders we must help them to see the grey areas since they tend to see concepts only in black or white.If you use conflict and confrontation, you will be met with the same amount of aggression. No one will have gained any understanding if all you do is use your authority to say "NO" without some degree of moderation on each side. Your Graffiti Management Document is narrowminded and I would like to make some observations concerning this document.

You have outlined a proposal of conflict between those who use graffiti as an expression of art and those who are in positions of power (police) as well as those you propose to hire to eradicate graffiti.

Your statement of empowerment only empowers youth to remove what you consider offensive and does little to use this experience for them to be creative or take pride and ownership in their involvement.

Education should be used to open your mind to new concepts and ideas not to promote a narrow and one sided view of what you perceive as a problem.You have outlined an educational program to further your viewpoint and get everyone in lock step with this antiquated understanding of graffiti as a problem rather than an art form.

There are blanket statements used such as "Legal Graffiti Walls have not been proven to be effective at reducing graffiti" with no proof that this statement is indeed fact. From what I have read, this is not the case in both Hull and Toronto where youth groups have been involved and "empowered" to establish both graffiti walls as well as work with property owners to use their space in a manner where all parties are in agreement. This involves the youth in a far more positive manner than your document sets out to do.You have an opportunity to establish a positive environment in your community but you seem to be content to establish a narrow minded community where growth and change are not accepable but rather a problem which must be eradicated and or reported to those in authority.

It may be time to rename graffiti and use a new label - STREETART. This label may be less offensive and with a new name you may be encouraged to draft a plan which sets out some exciting and effective new directions for both the youth and your community.


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i don't believe this is all necessarily true information, graffiti will stay graffiti although i do agree with some. legal walls are just a way for people to realize there is a more to graffiti, there is a more developed "non-destructive" aspect, which of course is not what graffiti's intentions are necessarily you can easily see that most graffiti jams in the world, the participants largely do not do massive amounts of damage to cities, regions etc... those ones doing the destruction stay away from legal walls... FYI

Ryan K

Just wanted to thank you Mike for all your efforts. Those city people really can't see the flipside of this issue. It's a shame, but I'm glad there are people like you out there willing to make the effort. It has not gone unnoticed.

Thank you again.

A friend

Great site you have here Mike. I have it bookmarked. It's frustrating that we can be across the river from a community that took such a positive approach to graffiti, and yet here it's so 'brickwall'.
What happened on March 28th? A friend told me that the following motion was on the agenda for City Council

Moved by Councillor D. Deans
Seconded by Councillor M. McRae

That City staff be directed to consider a stand-alone graffiti by-law that would address graffiti vandalism of both public and private property, and that By-law Services staff report to a joint meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee and Transportation Committee on such a by-law.

Nicole C

Hi Mike,
I am a journalism student from the university of Ottawa and for my final feature article, I am profiling a local activist artist who is involved in street art instillation projects around Ottawa. Here’s a link to his stuff, http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/347198.shtml

I want to bring in the legal side to graffiti in my article. I think you would be a great recourse and I would love to talk with you about graffiti and legal graffiti walls.
Let me know what you think, Nicole C

Michelle Parks

Have you considered making a presentation at committee? It's so frustrating. They're even talking about "phasing out" Tech wall and the area under the Dunbar bridge. I haven't seen anything presented that speaks to the need for alternatives both for the students and the urban art community... Did you see the ridiculous decision to power wash the kids chalk paintings off the street in the Glebe. Talk about a waste of taxpayers money.. this is the problem with having "zero tolerance" policies- it leads to knee jerk reactions as opposed to creative and effective solutions.
I know this has already gone public, but here it is in case you don't have the electronic version. Talk about a blow to democracy and to street art. My condolences.

Joint Meeting
Community and Protective Services Committee and
Transportation Committee

Réunion conjointe du
Comité des services communautaires et de protection et du
Comité des transports

Disposition 1/ Suite À donner 1

Thursday, 3 May 2007
le jeudi, 3 mai 2007

Notes: 1. Underlining indicates a new or amended recommendation approved by Committee.
2. Reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on 23 May 2007 in Community and Protective Services Committee Transportation Committee and Joint Report 1
Nota : 1. Le soulignement indique qu'il s'agit d'une nouvelle recommandation ou d'une recommandation modifiée approuvée par le Comité.
2. Les rapports nécessitant un examen par le Conseil municipal devraient être présentés au Conseil le 23 mai 2007 dans le conjointe rapport no 1 du Comité des services communautaires et de protection et du
Comité des transports.

1. Graffiti Management Strategy

1. That the Transportation Committee and Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council consider the staff report and approve in principle the implementation of the Graffiti Management Strategy with the following specific recommendations:

i. That four (4) zero tolerance zones, as described in the report and Document 2, be added to the existing Graffiti Management Program in 2008 at an annual cost of $350,000;
ii. That the definition and approval of future zero tolerance zones be delegated to the Director of Surface Operations Branch, and that budget adjustments for any additional Zero Tolerance Zones be presented annually through the budget approval process;
iii. That graffiti prevention and removal techniques be shared with private property owners and businesses through a public Graffiti Symposium in 2008 at a cost of $20,000;
iv. That the Graffiti Management By-law attached as Document 3, to take effect January 1, 2008, be approved;
v. That annual expenses for increased eradication on City owned and maintained assets be approved in 2008 at an annual cost of $1,540,000 to support the implementation of the by-law proposed in Recommendation 1(iv);
vi. That development of a public awareness campaign in 2007 for implementation in 2007 and 2008 be approved to provide education and promote the prevention and removal of graffiti to private and business property owners, and to support the implementation of the by-law proposed in Recommendation 1(iv), at a cost of $65,000;

2. That subject to Transportation Committee and Community and Protective Services Committee approval, the report be referred to Council for approval in principle of the recommendations subject to:

i. Implementation funding in the amount of $65,000 identified in Recommendation 1(vi) of this report, be approved in 2007 from City Wide Reserve as one-time funding; and,
ii. Implementation funding of all other recommendations in the amount of $1,920,000 be referred to the 2008 Budget process.

3. That as part of the Graffiti Management Strategy the City of Ottawa use on a proactive basis the Parental Responsibility Act to recover costs of graffiti removal from graffiti vandals and/or their families.

4. WHEREAS the staff report on the Graffiti Management Strategy recommends against the implementation of "legal walls" in light of a number of issues including but, not limited to the high prevalence of graffiti in the areas surrounding such walls;

AND WHEREAS there are currently two "legal walls" within the City, one underneath the George Dunbar Bridge and another at the Ottawa Technical High School on Slater Street, both of which have been in existence and generally accepted for a number of years;

AND WHEREAS the enactment of the proposed Graffiti Management By-law would render these two walls illegal unless an exemption is provided;

AND WHEREAS, while the intent is to phase-out such walls, the two existiong walls could remain in operation until such time as the phase-out is complete;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Community and Protective Services Committee and the Transportation Committee recommend that the proposed Graffiti Management By-law, attached to the staff report as Document 3, be amended to provide and exemption for the two existing "legal walls", described as follows:

a. The Honourable George Dunbar Bridge as 1301 Bronson Avenue, specifically the north abutment, excluding the wing walls, which faces south, and the pillars/bridge supports immediately facing the abutment wall, as designated by sign;
b. The Ottawa Technical High School at 422 Slater Street, specifically the concrete retaining wall on the south side of the western portion of the property

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to monitor the two existing "legal walls" and report back to Committee in one-year on their status and effectiveness in deterring graffiti.

5. That staff investigate partnerships with local paint suppliers to develop programs such as:
* discounting colour matching
* discounting paint supply as developed in the City of Calgary

6. The staff investigate a program similar to the City of Toronto's Graffiti Transformation Program where unemployed youth and community groups work in problem areas to create a mural.

7. WHEREAS several BIAs spend in the range of $40,000 to assist businesses in removing graffiti;

WHEREAS there is a request for a 20% city contribution to the program;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $140,000 be made available as an annual grant to the 14 BIAs ($10,000 per BIA), to use for graffiti removal.

8. WHEREAS the last six to eight months have seen the appearance of an aggressive graffiti problem in the area surrounding the Manor Park School (K-6 elementary school), and;

WHEREAS the messages include threats of violence;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed expansions to the "ZERO TOLERANCE ZONES" include the Manor Park area.

9. That House of PainT and Ottawa Tech Wall representative be included in the External Stakeholder Committee.

CARRIED, as amended

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