Restful day
December 25, 2007
Christmas Day dawned clear and cool, fresh snow from yesterday covering the yard, patterned with the meandering trails of squirrels. They have found the birdseed I scattered on the picnic table (or pic-a-nic, as Yogi would say), and are stuffing their cheeks until they look like my grandson.
We already had done Christmas eve with the gang over, so was just me an my mom, and a quiet morning with Christmas on the radio. It has been a a nice visit so far, but I feel the need to have some quiet "me time". While I'm relaxing here I'll browse some blogs I track and share some tidbits:
- American Leftist discusses The Normalization of the "War on Terror". As he had feared, the public see it as "an immutable part of their existence, akin to paying taxes and sitting in cramped seats on airplanes". Any talk of cuts in funding is seen as not supporting the troops - so of course all candidates for the upcoming US elections are caught on the same side on this.
- Speaking of wars, The Carpetbagger Report has a good guest post on the "War on Christmas"- at least for this conflict there is not shortage of fervent believers on all sides, brandishing credit cards, sprigs of holly, Crackberry's -whatever - full of indignation and self-righteousness. Chill out a bit, read the stories as just that, learn a bit about others and maybe yourself.
- The Yarn Harlot goes on and on (of course) about her latest knitting projects, a clever blend of tips, techniques, and humour. What a whirlwind of activity, no Idea how she gets this all done perhaps she has prehensile toes and a computer keyboard down there on the floor.
- Tequila Mockingbird hasn't posted in a while, her last one is story she and friends took turns in writing - one at a time so that the others were free to play with blenders and alcohol.
- As usual Albino Blacksheep has a collection of flash videos, games, and MP3's - funny, thoughtful, offensive -something for everyone.
- If you've been missing the political subtleties here in Canada of CPAC and Question Period, then check out the BlogsCanada e-group for "multi-partisan political punditry". Peter Van Dusen has interviews on there with our current political "leaders" - feel free to join in with a "right on" or "you're full of crap".
- Princess Cranky Pants has a prezzie for all on her site, and shares some trepidation about Christmas.
- And lastly, John Scalzi, "taunting the tauntable since 1998", publishes some suspicions he has about Christmas, such as "If a kid started playing a drum near a newborn, the likely result would not be a smiling infant (or mother).
That's all for now folks, this has been a nice way to spend a few hours getting distracted by other blogs, but I do need to get showered and cleaned up before taking mom over to the ex's for Christmas dinner. A final note: I've been avoiding the barber for a couple of months, figuring while I still have all my hair (grey as it may be) I'll let it grow into something (not a Mullet!). I was standing with my back to the meat counter at my local grocer's the other day and the butcher called out to me "can I help you, ma'am?" He was apologetic when I turned and he realized I was likely not the bearded lady from the local circus, but doesn't anyone else think "ma'am" is a little old fashioned now? Is there something a Little more casual, without going all the way to "Yo, s'up homestyle?"
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