Alien Nation
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Graffiti Art Day

Big ups to all that helped at this event, Saturday (July 5/08), Graffiti ART(GART) at Orleans Autotech on St.Joseph blvd. We had number of 4x8 panels for artists to spray on, to showcase their talents and establish positive links with the rest of the community. The business owner will choose an artist that he will commission to do a major (15x40 foot) mural on his building. 

We'd asked the artists to be there at 12, they didn't start wandering in around 1:30, but soon got going on the black primed panels. Most were experienced, some wanted to try it for the first time. Not a lot of spectators, we even went over to Place D'Orleans to try to talk people into coming over, but had a hard time dragging our local suburbanites out of their rut. We did market the graff/youth/urban art concept to those we could, and sold a couple of the finished pieces. I did get a few pics before messing up my camera settings, I'll post them later and add a link here.

And props to ICI Paints for primer and rollers, and to Norml Clothing for some good prices on Montana cans. 


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