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Praying Computers

Signs of spring

Forecast was for +12 today in Ottawa, so I packed up my stuff after lunch and headed downtown. Time to see if it's spring. I checked out the Tech wall first for new art work - not much new - so wandered to Vistech Camera on Bank to look at camera bags. If you're a photographer you will know that you can never have enough camera bags. I have a new toy, so I "need" a new bag for it. It's a netbook, Acer Aspire One. Typing on it now, in Bridgehead on Elgin.

Anyways, after Vistech I walked over to Elgin, to see what was happening, and found the patios were starting to pop up, like spring flowers. 090327-160945 The Lieutenant's Pump was sort of open,  we did have to wipe off the tables and chairs, and get our own beer from the bar. But it was sunny and mellow, typical Canadian crowd, as we sat in the sun with coats on enjoying a drink. As people walked by on their way home from work, the patio started filling up. Was certainly nice to sit and drink and tan and people watch. And listen to the chatter. There was a gaggle of women next to me - late 30's - chatting about their work and friends and relationships. One announced her period had started, and her friend high-fived her. Obviously good news. About 6 the sun started to set behind the roof top across the way, so was time to leave. I dropped in at Big Daddy's on my way to the bus, and ran into an old buddy from Bell, Russ. He was there with friends, I just intended to talk a bit, but we got chatting about what we were up to and I started going on about graffiti and photography and murals and neighbourhood trransformations and all that talking made me thirsty. So I had a pint. And Russ bought it - sweet. It's an interesting bar, always busy after work, a meet market for the older crowd. As in older than university students.

So, eventually on to Bridgehead on Elgin, to buy some beans, drink a Maya Fusion coffee, and play some more with my new toy. Purchase here includes an hour of internet access, but as usual, there is free access floating in the air too. New toy works well, smaller keyboard with some changes. So some "oops" - like the damn CAPS LOCK KEY that I keep hitting. Now I can leave my laptop on my desk connected to the separate keyboard and large display. If I want to work elsewhere, like in front of the TV, I can use the netbook. 


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