CPO Toolkit - some suggestions
Sparkly things - Parenting - how much is too much?

New digs

I posted before about why I was moving, now that I've been in my new digs for a few weeks it's time for an update.
First off - It's a very convenient location. I'm a block from the Tunney's bus stop on the Transitway, and close to Wellington and a Bridgehead coffee, local pub, hardware, groceries, library, restaurants. It will cost less for my car, but maybe more for pubs and cafes. My new place is the top half of a plain box-like duplex, built in the 60's, but renovated last year with new hardwood floors, new big windows, all off-white paint, and new appliances. Still 2-prong wall plugs and slow drains, but rooms a good size with lots of cupboard and closet space. Heat and a/c and hydro all included. Nice clean bright place.
The landlord is downstairs, a quiet old German couple - he's 88. I find myself almost tip toeing around rather than my normal heel thump, but they're slightly deaf so probably not really a problem. Even when I practice my trombone. They are early to bed and to rise though, so I hear the radio get cranked up just after 7 - I know, not that early for all my friends that work for a living.
I couldn't find my coffee stuff at first, so went down the street to "my" Bridgehead. Cute servers, great coffee, free wi-fi, interesting patrons - so I'm back here often. I'm writing this here, on my iPhone, via the free program My Writing Nook.  Keep getting distracted by the sidewalk views though, a mixed bag of old & young, saleswomen all dolled up dash in for coffee, mothers and strollers, older folk like me. Much different from the suburbs and malls of Sn'Orleans
I made a few trips already to the local Home Hardware for odds and ends - such as a solution for two prong outlets, three prong stuff.  The young staffer just looked blankly at me - why would any outlets be 2 prong?? The owner was fine and found some adapters with conveniently weak snap-off tabs.
Have found a "local" too, O'Connell's. It's a small bar, attached to a large 50's style diner (Fil's) as well as a bowling alley. Nice place, friendly staff, more laid back that the Royal Oak on the other corner. I've several stories from there already, as I did find some adventures. And some local colour.

More on that later,and local restaurants, as well as a trip to the Carleton Tavern - an old school style Ontario tavern. Time now to head out for a coffee and shopping.


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Hey Mike! Glad to hear you like your new pad! Nic and I moved to London! Ontario, of course. I'm working with my brother here, doing admin work for his family law practice. It's just the two of us so it's not as intolerable as I remember office work being. We're busy too, so there's plenty to do. Anyway, our goal is saving up the moola for land to build on and I'm making more here than I was at the catering company in T.O. Also, rent is a lot cheaper here and we're going to be moving into a 3 bedroom house in October, so....if you ever wanted to visit London, now you have a place to stay!

We'll be in Toronto for Thanksgiving, staying with Nic's mom and picking up the last of our furniture there. If you're in T.O. then, give us a call! Or just come to London sometime. We'll show you around!


Oh yeah, and there is some graffiti here too;)

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