NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month
No BloPo - oops

3310 words today, NaBloPoMo, and Halloween

I got my NaNoWriMo outline finished last night, and started writing about 9:30 this morning. I slept in. Hunt and pecked until after 12, had about 2000 words by then. I added some this afternoon, then went to a write-in and a downtown dessert cafe. Was very quiet, several people at tables - most on their own - all sitting very very quietly and typing. I felt like tip=toeing and whispering. I did get another 100 words done in a couple of hours, but was a little weird, Needs a conversation corner too I think.

I talked with a couple of my sources today too - one is former RCMP, the other is Ojibwe. I'm OK on the basic outline and plot, but their help will add more details, more reality.

A link via twitter also pointed me to National Blog Posting Month. Same sort of thing  can be any month though. More of a challenge this month though, if you're cranking out a novel too.

I thought I'd add a note about Halloween and candies too. For the past few years, while living in S'Norleans, I would play a little game on Halloween. When kids showed up at my door, I'd smile, hold out a big bowl of assorted treats, and say "Help yourself". Almost all the kids reacted the same, they would look confused and then cautiously take one or two - some would ask if they could have another - fine with me. I'd often hear parents coaching them in stage whispers to only take one. If the kid looked at me again I would repeat to help themselves. Some of the big kids, that usually show up at the end of the evening, would grab a handful - by then I was glad to get the bowl empty.

This year I'm in the Parkdale area, near Holland and Scott. Same age range of young kids, same selection of candy, first group of young kids showed up and I gave them my line. Their eyes lit up and they grabbed candy by the hand-full some several hand-fulls, Next group was the same - that's the norm here I guess. The odd one too 1-3 candies, usually with a parent prompting, but by and large the local kids pigged out. Cleaned me out pretty quick too, I was hoping for some tiny chocolate bars of Smarties to fuel my writing - nope!




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