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March 2011
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May 2011

Day ? - don't know, but at least healthier

Sorry, I just realized I'd last posted several days ago about being sick and the search for remedies - with an analogy to the body politic here in Canada. 

I'm better than before, looks like my choice of remedies and/or time got rid of whatever was ailing me. I do wish that I could say the same for this "unnecessary and reckless" election. I've been still following #elxn41 online, on TV, in the papers, with friends - but not nearly as closely as before. Tired already of promises,  some valid, some quickly deflated wih logic and economics, all targeted to pull in specific votes, most to be changed anyways or forgotten after this election is done. I'm worried too that people will just tune out and stay home, as the Conservatives have shown they can get the vote out better than any others. Maybe some voters are even thinking that a Conservative majority, while it might mean not the government they would prefer, would at least mean no elections for a while.

And to be honest, for many of us, there are just many more interesting and sparkly things out there to grab our attention. Spring is here, patios are opening, bike paths clear, gardens starting to grow, Easter weekend coming up. I'm back into more reading and editing - when I'm not out and about. I did a photoshoot for a friend of my daughter's on the weekend, the friend has a long distance romance and a wedding website being done - with no photos of her and fieance just hanging out together on their rare face to face encounters. We did a bunch of indoor and outdoor shots, with costume changes to pretend was not just a 3 hour period, trying everything from formal to casual, from heavy coats to tank-tops. After that, hung out at the local pub with my daughter too, for some beers and fries - and was even her turn to buy!

Then I edited the pics, most were in very high contrast lighting outdoors so had do tweak more than I would have liked. Used D90 matrix metering, so I could see how well the Active D-Lighting (also referred to as ADR). It's supposed to change the exposure curve to preserve highlights and shadows when in high contrast lighting. Still had too many blown highlights for my taste. I have subsequently found out that Matrix metering can be thrown off by whatever the light level is at the current single focus point - that would have been an issue in some of my shots. The subjects were relatively static, so a solution I think might have been to manually focus - I'll browse online to see if Matrix metering still works then. 

I also checked out the Tech wall again, some new productions going up on the weekend that I need to get back to. Mural programs are starting up again, the City's official Paint It Up!program as well as individual commissions - lots of photo ops.