ROW80-2 checkin 4/15 -captive audience
April 16, 2012
Sunday was a day of distractions. I did get some good editing done, but then had to update a book report for a sci-fi book club. Then went for a coffee then spent a couple of hours discussing the book then hurried home. Well, hurried towards home - weather had turned too chilly for my shorts so ended up stopping midway at my local pub. Was worried about hypothermia. Live music and some Harp Ale. Not too busy, so also marked some scholarship applications submitted to a group I'm in. Good intentions after a late supper for all the ROW80 things, but was distracted by some episodes of Sherlock Holmes my son lent me. Distracted until 2:30am I think.
Sorry submitting you to that ramble - my the topic was captive audience, wasn't it?
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