Contemplate Service
June 29, 2012
Here's the latest challenge from Terrible Minds - to write a story about a band.
TM 2012/6/22 - That's My New Band Name
It’s been a very music-themed week for me. I’ve been listening and connecting to music in ways I haven’t in a while, in terms of narrative — which reminds me, go get the new Fiona Apple album. For reals.
Anyway. What that means is, in this challenge, I want you to write a story about a band.
The name of that band? Well, click here to choose one.
There you’ll get a buncha random band names. Choose one. That’s the band.
You’ve got up to 1000 words.
Post it on your blog. Link back here so we can read it. You’ve got one week. Due by noon EST on Friday, June 29th.
Let’s see whatchoo got, band geeks.
My names were:
- Adversity Brazil
- Mainly Execution
- Former Object Of The Necro Protocol
- Decay Of Accident
- Fake Cheddam
- Cavern Of The Septic Holiday
- Diving Pavement And The Stimpy Bazooka
- Contemplate Service
- Latitude Of Scene
- Fever Of The Everyday Flag
I did a Fairy Tale Folk thing. 806 words.
Contemplate Service
"No way are you singing," said the wolf. "We've heard you do karaoke."
"He's right, Red", said the witch. "We love you dearly and appreciate your enthusiasm, but you're scary behind a mike."
"Well, I do need a lot of shooters to get me up there," said Red. "OK, but why this band thing all of a sudden?"
"Well, I was talking to some of the other characters last week," said Agnes. "And they were all on about how busy they were between stories, building houses for the poor and teaching overseas and taking ballet. And when it was my turn, I sort of drew a blank. Really, what do we do?"
"Just sort of hang together and do stuff, I guess," said Red. "I don't care if I'm not always busy busy."
"Me neither," said Agnes. "Anyway, I started talking about our little band here, and they thought I meant like with instruments and stuff. So I got a little creative with my story. The Alabama Slammers may have helped - I do like that Southern Comfort."
"So now they think we have a band," said the wolf. "Fine with me, gives us something to play around with over next winter, right?"
"Actually Romulus, might be a little sooner than next winter," said Agnes. "I may have implied we are a little better than we actually are. As in we actually have a band. And we are good."
"And?" said Romulus.
"And there's the annual story awards dinner in two weeks and we're booked to play after at the dance. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"We are so screwed," said Red. "At least you are. So - go back and explain and grovel a bit."
"Too late," said Agnes. "Advertisements and everything are already up."
"But two weeks?" said Romulus. "No way, count me out. "
"Me neither," said Red.
"Come on guys," said Agnes. "It will be good for us to do something together. I so screwed up with Snow and that whole drugs thing, this will be good for us."
"And how are you two now," said Romulus.
"She's still angry that I framed her," said Agnes. "But we're working on it. At least I'm over my stupid jealousy. She's talking about some of her issues and fears, and I've got her on some herbs and potions, to help her get off the drugs."
"Glad to hear that," said Red. "But, getting back to this crazy idea, this is your way to make up to us? A band? In two weeks?"
"Look," said the witch. "Every week one of us goes on about being bored. This could be doable, if you think about it. We are professionals, we're used to playing a part, finding a character and building on it. If we can use our powers to bring a story to life we can certainly use them to push a band out into a crowd."
"What the hell," said Red. "Let's go for it - but you owe us all big time. Romulus, you in?"
He nodded.
"OK Agnes," said Red. "You won't let me sing, so what do I do?"
"You and Rapunzel can be like the managers," said Agnes. "Coordinate stuff, and get booking arranged. And make sure we get paid. During the shows, you can take turns on the door, and chat up any VIP's that drop by."
"We'll have a of of equipment to cart around," said Red. "Too much for Ray and me."
"Barney can be our roadie," said Agnes. "He's strong and surprisingly good with electronics. Maybe we even get him out with a tambourine or something - big, bouncy, and purple. Fans will love him."
"Hmm, maybe some marketing spin-offs there," said Red. "But who'll be singing?
"Me," said Agnes. "I want to do a Janis Joplin sort of thing - maybe mid career - loud and brassy, before the Southern Comfort and drugs took her down."
"Sweet." said Red. "I can totally see you as her. Who else?"
""Romulus here can be lead guitar," said Agnes.
"Me?" said the wolf.
"Sure," said Agnes. "Just pick some role models to channel from, blend in that sexy charisma. I see you as a Mick Jagger with a bit of Tom Jones thrown in."
The wolf nodded. "Yes. I could do that. But Bruce here has to be up there with me too."
"Me on stage?" said the woodsman. "No way."
"Come on sweetie," said Red." You could be on the bass, just that tall, quiet, solid image, in the back.
"It will be good for you," said Agnes. "And some stage work will loosen you up a bit, get you into playing more roles in our stories, right?"
"Well, maybe I could," said Bruce. "As long as I can just stay in the back, doing my thing."
"So, seems doable so far," said Agnes. "But we've only two weeks to learn a few sets worth and figure out our 'sound'. I'd like it to be old school rock, a hyper sort of thing - like some stuff from Big Brother and the Holding Company."
"Who?" said Red.
"I'll send you some links," said the witch. "So - how can we pump this up?"
They sat, thinking, then all noticed some singing and tapping noise coming down the hall. Snow walked in, headphones on, head bobbing, dreads twitching, fingers snapping. She sat at the table, still listening to whatever it was, foot restlessly tapping, fingers beating out a rhythm, then suddenly looked up.
"What?" she said.
The witch handed her a pair of drumsticks. Snow smiled, gazed off into space for a bit, then started to beat out a tune on the table, on the plates, on the coffee cups, on wolf's head.
Agnes smiled. "We'll just start her up and hang on for the ride."