August 31, 2012
This week's challenge from Terrible Minds was to write a story incorporating four random words. His challenge:
I dig the random word challenges.
It’s interesting to see what bizarre alchemical narrative computations take the simple lead of these words and change them not only into gold but, rather, a bevy of precious metals.
And so, that’s what’s popping its head up at the hole this week.
I’ve got eight words. I want you to pick four.
These four must be represented in the fiction you write.
The words? Cape, Joke, Senator, Hamburger, Laser, Gloves, Funeral, Motel
(If you care to know where I get my random words: this random word generator!)
You have, as always, one week (Friday, August 31st, by noon EST) to write up to 1000 words.
I decided the cape would fit nicely on one of my regular characters, and before I knew it had my story. I think I was inspired by the episodes of True Blood I've been watching. This did come together pretty fast - a good thing, as I slept in this morning. Got 600 words in, though. If you like this, here's a link to all my stories with these guys.