Many Moons
The Saucers

ROW80-3 check in 8/15 - still not editing

I'm doing OK on my ROW80 objectives, especially the course I started, but there still are some annoying gaps. Like editing. I do like the two novels I did, and would like to see them magically finished, it's this middle part that's bogged down. Luckily I'm not alone, many share my distaste for this process. I always seem to find something to bump editing down the list - I might even get my taxes done instead! 

On to things I AM getting done - like my course. I'm spending about 15 hours a week on it - reading, writing, grading, following the discussion forums. So far we've done a unit on The Grimms' Tales, Alice in Wonderland, and Dracula. I submitted my essay in Tuesday, and evaluated some others - six this time. The quality varies, still some bad, and one great, the rest were average. Today we get our assessment grade backs, access to a series of videos by the prof on Dracula, and start on the Frankenstein unit. I ordered a couple of versions of the book from the library Monday - they still show as 'in transit'. As are the copies of Dracula I ordered a week earlier. I gave up on those and drove to another branch to get a copy, but will wait and see how long it does take. We have links to free online copies of the books, but I like a hard copy for this, to add post-it notes to and thumb back and forth.  

I did another story too, for Flash Fiction Friday. Theme for this one was the moon and its effects - appropriate enough since this August has three full moons. I'm still managing to keep current on the blogs I follow on writing, and and have commented back on some stories too. And of course, Misfits is still on my list, although the initial rush has worn off. Sometimes I don't even watch a whole episode at one go. 

Focus now is finishing off the Dracula unit and starting on Frankenstein. Plus, a flash fiction for Friday, based on one of three suggested opening sentences. As for my spare time, that will be for editing and/or taxes. 

Just for reference, my overall objectives for this ROW (which I never expect to meet all at the same time):

  •  Writer (8) - writing for fun, but also working to become a better writer. Writing every day, editing. Reading about writing, books and blogs, as well as networking.
    • Editing (1) - this will be a fixed early task. 2 hrs ?? 10 pages/day 
      • Due North. First pass pencil edit done. Now do online. Approx 315 double-spaced pages, starting at page 81.  
      •  Due North 2 - sequel. About 260 pages. TBD – cleanup scenes synopsis and notes, print, revise, type in.  
    • Writing (1) - Flash Fiction stories. 2/wk, 3 hrs each, so an hour. 
    • Publishing (1/2) -nothing like rejection/acceptance to hone your skills
      • Short Stories (1/4) – Flash fiction. New, or edit existing. Take from blog while submitting. Use market survey from Flash Fiction Chronicles, aim to send in one a week. 
      •  Fairy Tale Folk (1/4)- pull them together into collection. Start with a spreadsheet – story, characters, their traits, their development, good for ongoing stories too. Edit if time. Not a high priority this round. 
  •  Learning/sharing (5 1/2) 
    • Blogs (1) - maybe too many subscriptions. Track them all for a week and rate them.
    • Facebook (1) - ROW80 group, Ottawa Writers, Creative Writing Circle, and NaNoWriMo Ottawa. 
    • Podcasts (.5) - have set up a few, mostly on writing. Can follow these while walking or cooking.
    • Reading (1) - non-fiction, to entertain and learn. 
    • Reading (0) - fiction, to entertain and learn (part of course now). 
    • Course –(2) Fantasy and Science Fiction. Reading, writing, critiques, videos
  • Health (2 1/2) - not a lot of time, but needs to be a main item. 
    • Walking (1) - can be an evening activity too. With podcasts. Will aim for 10,000 steps.
    • Exercise/sports (1/2) -Short morning yoga session. Floor exercises? Bike? 
    • Diet – Better food, less alcohol (healthier and cheaper). 
    • Schedule - hopefully this will be healthy addition too. 
    • Friends and family (1) - just to make sure don't get stuck inside doing all these tasks
  •  Chores (2) - the boring stuff. Cleaning, laundry, shopping. And taxes.
  • TV (1)
  • Total 13.5





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Mike Paulson

Wow. It looks like you really work hard to jam as much into each day ad humanly possible. It sounds like, for the most part, you're doing well balancing all of that. Great job!

I used to do the same thing in my own life, and only managed to burn myself out, but I wish you the best of luck in continuing your success.

Cate Russell-Cole

Whilst editing is utterly awful at times, taxes can't be a better option? Surely. If they are, you may have an editing phobia. ;-)

I know this is my third visit this morning. I have been catching up on lost time due to a gale force migraine. It is really good to see you moving through your goals and workload. Have an excellent week and I'll undoubtably catch up with you yet again very soon.

Cheers, Cate (ROW80)


Definitely avoiding editing lately, but was encouraged - by various ROW80 contacts, my sister, and guilt - to actually do some editing yesterday.
But those taxes - 2010 and 2011 - do need to get done.

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