Nice Costume
ROW80-4 - check in 11/04 - And so it begins

Row80-4 - check in 10/31 - One More Sleep

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow. Have an outline, and some scenes laid out. More planning needed but is enough to start at least. Also have some books to read for a book club, band practices, and a couple of TV series I'm following. 

  • writing
    • Did a challenge for Flash Fiction Friday. Was to carry on from a story start, and make it scary. 
    • NaNoWriMo - outline and scenes ready for tomorrow morning. 
    • Short Stories - finished my page listing them all, with short excerpts. Added a bigger link on my home page, and will link to them from every story I post now.
    • Reading about writing - have several in my pile, need to decide which are now or later. Also, finally got a copy of Perfect Match, for book club on November 5th. Others waiting too, so will need to read by Friday night I think.
  • health - boogying along. Will start #NaHeWriMo - National Healthy Writer Month to remind me to add the habit of daily exercise to the habit of daily writing in #NANoWriMo
  • other - More Doc Watson, and hunkering down for the Frankenstorm. Which missed Ottawa.


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