ROW80-4 -check in - 12/16 - ouch!
New Beginnings

ROW80-4 -check in - 12/19 - that's a wrap!

Here we are again, at the end of another Round of Words. I'll be finishing with more of a whimper than a bang, as my back is stilll bothering me. Much better than three days ago, so I am hoping will be able to put on my ham dinner tomorrow for kids and grand kids. It's our Christmas gift exchange too. Maybe we'll just have takeout- will depend on if I bound out of bed tomorrow or not. This happens every year or so, as a reminder to not quit doing regular exercises. 

Moving along here, to my Row80 status - this one went well. Rather than a long to-do list I tried to focus on three areas: writing, publishing, and everything else! 

Writing was actual writing, as in doing Flash Fiction stories and blog posts, as well as learning about and ( hopefully) improving my writing. This meant following blogs about writing, discussing it online, reading books on writing, and reading fiction with the eye of a writer. Did a lot of that.

Publishing was taking this writing to the next level, as in editing what I have, getting feedback, sending the short stories out, finding a publisher for the novels. Started that late in the Round, but do have a publisher interested in two of my novels, once I tidy them up a bit. 

Other- a catch all. Ways to enjoy life while writing and publishing, while keeping mind and body healthy. Exercise was on that list- occasionally. So was enjoying various bands at locaL pubs - more than occasionally. A big focus was on some courses- online university courses from Coursera. I completed one on Fantasy and Science fiction, and started one on Astronomy. The first was a challenge, but interesting. The second was more of a challenge, and less interesting. Focusing now on Christmas and editing my novels, so will be dropping the course. They are non-credit, and free, designed to be a easy way to try something.

Final status:

  • Writing - not much typed. Have been keeping up with blogs as I lie in bed.
  • Publishing - reading second novel's draft
  • Other - mostly in bed. 

Next ROW - carry on, I like this kind of ocus. Will just need to add some metrics to it. 


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