ROW80-2 check in - 04/28 - not dead, just resting
April 29, 2013
Honest, there still is life in me. Here I am with Sunday's check in - not only is it a day late, but it's the first I've done for several weeks for this Round.
What happened to me? Life got in the way. I found out that my landlord's grandaughter needed my apartment, so that she could move in and look after him. I was given July 1 vacancy date, a good warning, but I had assumed I would be here for a few more years. Nope, now I have to deal with finding a new place and packing. Too bad this had to happen right in the middle of an ambitious schedule for editing and publishing my novel. I thought I could have it all, but after a few sleepless nights I decided to manage my stress and dial back the editing hours a bit.
So - the June launch is not likely going to happen, but I have still kept at it. Second edit is now done and off to my beta reader. I went through first and reviewed all the Scenes to see if the scene/sequel labels would help them. After that, they were rearranged, pumped up, toned down, slotted into chapters, then send for review. I've started a third edit pass, to incorporate some of the beta feedback and check for things like character development and dialogue/narrative balance, and finally send it to my publisher. He'll have edits I'm sure, hopefully minor at this stage. Then it's merge those in, off to copy editor, review, off to proofreader, review, off to Amazon and Smashwords, and LAUNCH! Oh - and be showered with fame and fortune.
I'm still doing other things like book clubs and coffee at my cafe and my walks and Doctor Who - just not as much. Tonight I went downtown for a book reading. Seven authors, all fiction, all different, all good. I think it's important to listen to other author's styles, paying attention to what works for you, what doesn't. I also met a number of interesting people too - good contacts for their own sake but also as potential reviewers when Kirk's Landing gets online.