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August 2013

ROW80-3 - check in 07/28 - More shelves

OK. I'm tired of looking at all these boxes and wondering where to put them. I realize that downsizing would help, but I'm not ready to get rid of all this - yet. In the meantime, I'm heading out to buy more shelves at IKEA. Then I can get back to some guilt free writing. I did do another Flash last week, after a break of several weeks. It was fun to get back into writing, and a nice bonus to get good feedback on my little story.   I also sent out a few Advance Reader Copies of my novel (not proofread yet), so that people can read and review ahead of the launch. Then I'll ask them to quickly post the review up on Amazon and/or Goodreads. 

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One Choice

This is a a Flash Fiction suggested by Terrible Minds - using a random plot generator. Chuck says - 

This random plot scenario generator cracks me up.

And it also comes up with some pretty good narrative seedlings, to my surprise.

So! This week, we’re using it.

Go click the link.

Conjure a random plot scenario.

Use said plot scenario as the basis for your flash fiction challenge this week. You have, as always, up to 1000 words. Post on your space, link back here. Due by Friday, July 26th.

I got the following:

  • The story starts when your protagonist goes on a blind date.

  • Another character is a golf pro who is psychic.

Here's my little story, at about 740 words.

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ROW80-3 - check in 07/24 - bits and pieces

My novel came back from copy editor. Only minor changes, and she loves it! Best novel she's read this year! I now have to format it for 6x9, then it goes of to the proofreader. I've been working on the various bits and pieces that go with it: summary, author info, dedication, and acknowledgements. Those are off for editing now too. We're looking at getting it published late August. Yay! 

I do have a part two waiting to be edited, depending on how well the first is received. I also have a fantasy novel in draft mode - my Fairy Tale Folk. Plus - November approaches - time for another NaNoWriMo. 

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ROW80-3 - check in 07/17 - on vacation

It feels like vacation, since I don't have to edit. Free to spend my days doing nothing in particular. Oh wait - we have ROW80 to combat that!

Okay, so did some of my writerly stuff, but not much. Status follows:

Objective - Publishing

  • Did a reading of my novel to one of my book clubs - 6 minutes worth. Good feedback, all want to buy it! 
  • Do my Kindle/Createspace stuff - nothing
  • Promote online via webpage, Facebook, etc. - nothing

Objective - Writing

  • Write every morning - nothing
  • ROW80 check in's - this one
  • Book clubs - had a meeting to discuss One for the Money, by Janet Evanovich. A light read, but we liked it for what it was. Rereading The Uninvited Guests for another group - need to buy a copy so I can mark it up. 

Objective - Other 

  • Exercise, etc - not a lot, except for walking to the pub. Did get new shoes, and a pedometer
  • Writerly blogs - caught up again
  • Social - grandkid again. Friends at pub too.
  •  Chores - bought more shelving. Yay!