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November 2013
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January 2014

ROW80-4 - 12/01 - Done. Another novel!

I won NaNoWriMo 2013 - yay! Finished with 52,377 words. I was worried in the second week that this story wouldn't have enough 6026003-0 in it to get me past the deadline, but it surprised me and picked up eventually. Not one of my favourite stories, but it will do. This is my fourth, so will have to wait in the queue before it gest edited. Between NaNoWriMo and promoting my new book, I have managed to skip some check in's - but here I am. 

Book is up on Amazon as paperback and ebook, also on iBooks, Kobo, etc via Smashwords. Also is now carried by Red Tuque Books, so that bookstores and libraries can order it. 


Objective - Publishing

  • Almost 50 books sold so far to friends and family. Book launch coming up - see poster at right. 
  • Have several good reviews up online now. Promoting both the book and the launch via various local sites and publications. 

Objective - Writing

  • NaNoWriMo - Done
  • ROW80 check in -here

Objective - Writerly

  • Blogs - Yikes! Just checked, two weeks behind. Need to sit for a while in the coffee shop tomorrow and catch up.
  • Books -still reading Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, for a book club December 2. Not a quick read.

Objective - Other 

  • Walking - Been trying to get more exercise but NaNo pretty well took everything over.
  • Courses - still keen on doing Future of Storytelling. Way behind. May just download all I can and save for later.
  • Movies, etc -none. No time. Oh, except for the Doctor Who 25th anniversary special. Several times of course.