ROW80-4 - 12/15 - Tiny steps
All alone

ROW80-4 - 12/22 - Christmas prep

Pretty well done with my ROW80 stuff. Busy with pre-Christmas things now - not pre-Holiday, as that would cover any of the days we have during the year to celebrate various events - pagan or otherwise. Nope, I call it Christmas. I find that with both kids married, between the other Jacketgrandparents, several grandkids, and various aunts and uncles, this season can become quite a scheduling challenge. I'm off to my daughter's tonight for a bit of Christmas, then will host my son and his family this Friday. Kind of nice how it stretches out the celebrations. And in between, I'll relax and catch up on my reading, plus do a bit of planning for next year.

My place smells yummy this time of year too. Last week it was from a batch of tourtiere, baked to give out as presents. Today it's a big ham, all basted up, baking for a few hours. It's destined to be sliced and brought over to a local tavern, The Carleton, as part of their annual, free, sit down Christmas Dinner. They do it every year, along with free gift bags for all. I'll be donating a couple of copies of my book too. Once it's done, I'll leave it in the back porch (a Canadian freezer/fridge)  to cool a bit, and head out to do some last minute shopping in my neighbourhood. I'll be wearing the new wool shirt my boss bought me for Christmas - pictured at right. Known in Kirk's Landing as a dinner jacket. 


Objective - Publishing

  • Sold a few more book copies, and gave some away too. It's all about getting the word out.

Objective - Writing

  • ROW80 check in -here - late again

Objective - Writerly

  • Blogs - Caught up for now. Lots of good editing tips for next year.
  • Books - reading some odds and ends, nothing finished.

Objective - Other 

  • Walking, etc - lots of snow again, so always a workout just to walk. Invigorating weather too.
  • Courses - Future of Storytelling has finished. Might just download all the videos and do screen shots of info pages. Global History class starts in a few weeks, though. I'd started it last year, then dropped it when editing took over all my time. Maybe this year. 
  • Movies, etc - started watching two series, Orphan Black, and Vikings. Okay, but neither really grabbed me yet.
  • Social - Christmas stuff coming up.






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Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and the ham sounds delicious.

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