ROW80-4 - 12/01 - Done. Another novel!
A Family Affair

ROW80-4 - 12/08 - Relaxing

Have been slacking off a bit now that NaNoWriMo is done. No post since last Sunday and not a lot of writerly things to report.

I have a book launch coming up so most of my time has been on publicity - postering, sending in notices to various sites, ordering more books. 


Objective - Publishing

  • Still selling books a few at a time - over 50 now. Hopefully some of the people at my book launch won't already have a copy!  
  • Couple more good reviews up online. Promoting both the book and the launch via various local sites and publications, as well as posters and hand-out cards. 

Objective - Writing

  • ROW80 check in -here
  • Flash Fiction - need to find some sites to challenge me. Chuck's Terrible Minds site has good ideas sometimes so maybe I need to get back into that.

Objective - Writerly

  • Blogs - Still behind, getting there.
  • Books -finished Jane Eyre, for a book club December 2. Good meeting, good discussion, good food, good wine. Read Legacy - Part 2 of the Sharing Knife series by Bujold, Beauty of Fear, by Perez, and Wild Card, by Jamie Wyman. 

Objective - Other 

  • Walking - Doing a bit more. Depends on how slippery it is out there.
  • Courses - not sure about Future of Storytelling. Way behind, and not that upset. 
  • Movies, etc - several series on 
  • Social - some grandkid visits. Cold gone and flu shot done so visit to the newest one is soon. Several evenings with friends at local pubs - lots of fun but uses up the evening as well as half the next day. As well as a chunk out of my bank account and my liver.
  • Christmas - soon apparently. As is usual, lots of hits on my site for an old Moose Milk recipe from 2005, as well as the Secret Family Tourtiere recipe. Time now to plan presents, dinner, decorations, etc. Pitter patter let's get at 'er. 



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nano takes it out of one - I think many of us are relaxing:) snd the other stuff does need to be done - book sales rising is always good - all the best:)

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