ROW80-4 - 12/11 - A writing team
December 12, 2013
Us writers are usually portrayed as lonely individuals, sitting in a corner with pen and paper, scribbling down the words. While I admit the actual putting down of the words is an individual affair, there's still a lot of other people involved. I was reminded of this last night at my book launch.
We can start with all those authors out there, that give us books to read as examples, good/bad, of the craft. Plus those that write how-to blogs and books, or run workshops and seminars. Not to mention teachers that encouraged us, way back in English class. Then there are all the 'characters' that surround us, just waiting to be noticed and become part of our own characters. Once we start putting pen to paper, or fingers to keys, there are all the supporting family and friends, giving us the time to write, and cheering us on. Then when we're done that first effort, we have a bevy of beta readers and proofreaders to help us polish our work. Then it's on to agents and publishers - and those same friends and family cheering us on in spite of rejection after rejection. Finally we get into print, and then it's reviewers - hopefully positive - and customers. p
So - thanks to all the above, that helped me get from my first impulse to try writing to actually signing a copy for a customer - who heard about it from another happy customer!
Objective - Publishing
- Book launch went well. Sold 24, so am at about 75 now. Dribs and drabs, but still nice. Hoping some will take my suggestion of posting online reviews, so I can get more buzz going.
Objective - Writing
- ROW80 check in -here
- Flash Fiction - did another one here, via Terrible Minds. It's a five part story, I added part 3 to one in progress.
Objective - Writerly
- Blogs - Way behind. Heading out to listen to some music, maybe I'll bring iPad and catch up while there.
- Books - read Beauty of Fear, by Perez, need to do a review now.
Objective - Other
- Walking, etc - more exercise in winter, as is a challenge to walk. Plus (careful) snow shovelling.
- Courses - close to Christmas, other priorities, may drop Future of Storytelling. Interesting, but not riveting.
- Movies, etc - couple of sit-com's but that's it.
- Social - Hope to visit newest grandkid soon. Lots of friends at book launch. Heading out to a fundraiser at my local with lots of local bands.
- Christmas - soon apparently. Some kids over the 21st - still no decorations up, no baking done, no presents.
Congratulations on your launch! And for selling 24 books. This is truly wonderful affirmation. May your next story already be percolating! I also appreciate the generosity of so many who have helped me along the way, not the least being family, friends, and other writers.
Posted by: Beth Camp | December 14, 2013 at 12:07 AM
Seconding the congratulations on the sales! And you're right about the support of family and friends; knowing that I have people who love me who want me to succeed is a big boost. Heck, I think being part of AROW80 is helping me keep my cool about non-writing stuff.
Posted by: Kathy | December 14, 2013 at 07:10 PM