ROW80-4 - 12/15 - Tiny steps
December 16, 2013
I've sold a number of copies of my first book since it came out November - 77 in fact! Which is great, but it's in dribs and drabs it seems. I always carry a few copies with me now, just in case, as I often get asked for a copy. Either by people that liked it and want another copy for someone's Christmas present, or have heard good things from the local buzz and want to check it out. Good to have some local buzz, and great to have positive feedback from people on my story - the story that I created tight out of my mind. Many of them have seen me scribbling away in a pub or cafe corner, and heard me repeating that I am retired anymore, and that this is not just a hobby. Some are realizing that being a writer - and getting published - is a lot of work. Nice to have the recognition and appreciation. That's pretty cool. However - it would also be nice if some online buzz were to get going too. Not sure how that happens. I do have a few online reviews, which helps. Maybe those Christmas presents will get things rolling.
I have had several people ask about the sequel, which is very nice. Luckily it's already written. Just need to edit it, find an agent, get a publisher, and get it out there. That's at the top of my 2014 ROW objectives.
Objective - Publishing
- Still selling a few at a time. Almost 80 now, plus a few online.
Objective - Writing
- ROW80 check in -here - late again
- Flash Fiction - none
Objective - Writerly
- Blogs - Way behind. Big snow storm done, so heading out to do some shopping. Will bring iPad and catch up at a cafe.
- Books - Read Miracle, and Other Christmas Stories, by Connie Willis, for a book club. Had our meeting too - all three of us. We liked it. Review online later.
Objective - Other
- Walking, etc - big storm, so good walking exercise now, and some snow shoveling.
- Courses - not keeping up with Future of Storytelling. Interesting, but not riveting. One option is to download all videos and do screen shots of info pages.
- Movies, etc - started two - Django Unchained and Cloud Atlas. No time really, though
- Social - Hope to visit newest grandkid this week. As well as other two.
- Christmas -Yikes - look at that calendar. Baking done (tourtier) as well as a few kids gifts.
77 copies is a good beginning, and local buzz may spread outward in ripples, gaining strength as it goes.
At least, I hope so.
Our kids are delighted with the snow. We live rurally, and our yard is built on the downslope of a shale ridge, so the several inches we got has been transformed into multiple sled runs.
The Farmer's Almanac calls for a snowy winter, and Annalise in particular is eager to see any winter weather warning. She is going to learn a lot of local geography this season, as she works out where we are in relation to any chance of snow the weather folk predict!
Enjoy your holiday season, and those grandkids! =D
Posted by: Shanjeniah | December 17, 2013 at 02:55 AM
Online buzz is one of this 'things'... I think a lot of it has to do with community, and given that the online community is a simultaneously real and ephemeral thing, it's not heard to see why you're having trouble, Mike.
Still, the local buzz has to help you out in the long run. A real following, anywhere, can build into a movement.
Posted by: Eden Mabee | December 18, 2013 at 02:37 PM
Have a great Christmas season, Mike.
All the best for 2014 and beyond.
Posted by: Steph | December 19, 2013 at 11:03 PM