ROW80-1 - 01/26 - New tool, new plan
January 26, 2014
I've been editing - a bit - but also reading about editing and trying to decide how to best tackle this second novel. Then I found a new tool - Story Charts. I like the way they present the plot lines of a story in a simple graph of rising and falling values, each changed marked by a turning point. Already see how it will simplify the analysis I am trying to do. There's even an online tool you can use for your own screenplay or novel - unfortunately it's public so I won't be using for my WIP. Might use something like iDesign on my iPad, or a sheet of paper and some coloured pencils.
My second hold-up/distraction has been worrying about next steps, as my publisher for Kirk's Landing, Deux Voiliers Publishing, focuses on first time authors. Therefore, once this second novel is ready, plan was I would have to start shopping around for an agent and publisher - month's of waiting, livened up by rejection letters. This weekend we came up with plan B - we (DVP) will publish this novel too, so as to get it out there quickly and ride the momentum from the first one. Yay! Means a lot of work for the next 3-4 months but well worth it.
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