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ROW80-1 - 01/26 - New tool, new plan

I've been editing - a bit - but also reading about editing and trying to decide how to best tackle this second novel. Then I found a new tool - Story Charts. I like the way they present the plot lines of a story in a simple graph of rising and falling values, each changed marked by a turning point. Already see how it will simplify the analysis I am trying to do. There's even an online tool you can use for your own screenplay or novel - unfortunately it's public so I won't be using for my WIP. Might use something like iDesign on my iPad, or a sheet of paper and some coloured pencils. 

My second hold-up/distraction has been worrying about next steps, as my publisher for Kirk's Landing, Deux Voiliers Publishing, focuses on first time authors. Therefore, once this second novel is ready, plan was I would have to start shopping around for an agent and publisher - month's of waiting, livened up by rejection letters. This weekend we came up with plan B - we (DVP) will publish this novel too, so as to get it out there quickly and ride the momentum from the first one. Yay! Means a lot of work for the next 3-4 months but well worth it. 

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ROW80-1 - 01/19 - Creative procrastination

I've been putting off tackling a structural edit of my novel, probably because I know it will be a lot of work. I will need to re-examine themes, character's goals and obstacles, major plot points, etc. A lot of heavy work, slashing and burning. So, instead, I've been re-reading at a detail level, tweaking here and there, as well as reading up on editing tips and techniques. This is all editing stuff, but avoiding the main task, so doesn't really count. I'll try again tomorrow. 

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Oven baked dry rub ribs

Here's a good recipe to make while you're spending the afternoon writing. I got it from this web site, but simplified it so that I could print out on one page.

Step 1 -What you'll need:

  • a rack of ribs (I used the "baby back" variety)

  • a baking sheet

  • cooling racks or other wire racks to keep the meat above the baking sheet

  • spices for dry rub (recipe on next step!)

  • oven set to 300 F

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The Minotaur Story

This week’s prompt from Terrible Minds was to choose a title at random, from two lists of words. 1000 word limit.

The lists were:

1 Snowbound Murders
2 Devil’s Kid’s Club
3 Accursed Angel
4 Whispering Vault
5 Amethyst Bookshop
6 Griefstruck Champion
7 Lovestruck Palace
8 Red Fear
9 Cartographer’s Skull
10 Chaos Potion
11 Orbital Birdhouse
12 Jackdaw’s Encyclopedia
13 Minotaur Peacock
14 Invisible Prison
15 Dog Star Wire
16 Helical Rider
17 Flight of the Story
18 Cerulean God
19 Seamstress’ Parasite
20 Ten-Year Earth

I rolled 13 and 17. Wordcount – 759.

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