ROW80-1 - check in 03/23 - Just a note
ROW80-2 - 04/07 - Objectives

ROW80-1 - check out 03/26 - and so it ends again

Another ROW done, with some goals met, some deferred. Was not a great one, but not too bad. Some think mine are too ambitious, but I like to give myself possibilities and see how I fill them in.

My writerly goal was to become a better writer. That can involve writing, editing, publishing, reading, learning, etc. My main non-writerly goal is to stay healthy enough to be able to enjoy life and keep on writing. That means exercise, diet, social connections, and exploring life. Healthy mind and body. The challenge of course is to maintain a balance. 

I'll repeat my objectives here, and add comments in italics on my progress. 

  • Publishing

    • Edit second novel, KL-2. I printed out my draft, and marked it up with red pen. Found lots of bugs, some holes and extra things. Also developed my plot lines and character arcs better. However, it took way too long to enter that back into Scrivener. I was planning on two months. With three months of bits and pieces am still not done. Same problem with last novel too - haven't found a way yet to manage that. Finally set up a separate non-Internet PC in another room - that helped. Hope to be finished this pass by the weekend, but will then stop. Good time to pause and I need a break.   

  • Continue to market first book, KL-1. Did some FB promos for my page. Don't know yet if more sales, but did get more exposure for it. Is in local library now too.

  • Writing

    • One Flash Fiction a week. Only a few. But I do plan on doing lots for Camp NaNoWriMo.

    • ROW80 check in's - usually just Sunday one. Not mch to say. 

    • Book clubs - was doing 2/month to read and review, but dropped one club part way through. More social than reading, and date kept changing. 

    • How to write - still kept up to date with various blogs. Danger is trying to keep applying new ideas to a novel, and never get it out.

  • Other

    • Daily yoga and core strengthening exercises - not enough really. Excuse it that it's just been too bloody cold to get out much.

    • Band - rehearsals - only missed a couple. 

    • Other entertainment. Books - read a few. Series - downloaded some to help procrastinate

    • Other other - joined board of Ottawa Independent Writers. Will focus on NaNoWriMo liaison. 
    • Social - local cafe's and bars, as well as grandkid visits. Some local lunches with daughter and grandson too.

    • Travel – nowhere yet.


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