ROW80-2 - 04/28 - Byward Bards Busking for Books
May 29, 2014
Sorry for the abundance of alliteration, but it just happened. This Sunday I'll be joining some fellow writers in a marketing experiment. We'll be appearing in Ottawa's Byward Market area, doing reading from our books. Which meant I had to get a busker's licence, as the area 'needs' to regulate any street performers. We're trying for two time slots - 2-3 and 4-5 pm - but are competing for the two 'allowed' spots with other street performers, so might just get other times. Or none. No idea whether people will stop and listen, whether they will clap or jeer. Like I said - an experiment. We also have a book stall set up to sell from - not right by the busking area, unfortunately, but we are still hoping we can flog a few.
- Publishing
Editing - Nada.
Formatting other books. Sent re-formatted file to author, to be uploaded to Smashwords. Hoping I fixed the image problem for EPUB - can't duplicate error with Calibre test system.
- Doing more. I posted a short story for my online course - Down the Road Apiece. Wrote another one too, which I will clean up and post.
ROW80 check in - late of course.
Reading - Started Flight Behaviour, by Barbara Kingslover. Was for a book club originally, but got it too late. Mixed reviews form the others, but I like it so far. On page 60. Probably should be editing.
How to write - behind again, so time for a blitz. Again.
Exercise - more aches and pains so started my Morning Cup of Yoga routines again. Found my sheet of back exercises too, while searching for tax papers.
Courses -Via The Open University, Start Writing Fiction. Still behind, but speeding up. I'm now 2/3 through week 4. However, it's week 5. Finally finished the other course, The Future of Storytelling. An excellent course, just took me forever to get around to it. Lots of things to think about from it, as well as some good links to various trans-media experiences. Such as the MirrorWorld app.
Other entertainment. Watched the movie Salt. Good action flic.
Social - usual good times with friends at local pubs and cafes.
Busking books? Sounds like an interesting concept, Mike. I hope it generates some sales, but speaking as someone whose spent a lot of time doing the street fair thing, it's likely that very few people will stay long enough to capture the essence of a decent novel. A good stage presence though...
that can catch ears, eyes... and hearts.
Posted by: Eden | May 31, 2014 at 01:25 AM
Interesting that you can be classified as "buskers", but I guess bureaucracy has to work its magic as well. I have never thought of looking at the OpenUniversity for classes on writing, but that is a really good idea.
Sounds like you are making progress, even if not specifically on writing.
Posted by: Andrew | May 31, 2014 at 06:13 AM