ROW80-2 - 04/30 - Good Intentions
May 01, 2014
I often start the day off with a to-do list, sometimes even specific appointments - with the intention that THIS TIME I will stick to my plans. Then the day happens. ROW80 check in's are like that. Sunday and Wednesday morning there it is on my to-do list, then I decide to wait until I get some more things done, then I think I'll do it when I come home, and then it's the next day! Writing and editing gets like that sometimes too - although for my first novel I was good about writing faithfully every morning of NaNoWriMo. I think I was unsure whether I could even finish 50,000 words, so pushed myself. Once I did finish, and discovered a first draft wasn't that hard, subsequent writing projects had looser schedules. Editing of my second novel is starting up soon, so I think I'll need to crank up the discipline a bit. Anyone else out there in the midst of editing? Want to exchange deadlines and nag each other?
Status update. Lots of stuff happening over the past week - some writerly.
Help other's publish. Book readings and booth coordinated for local farmers market in June, Myself and four other local authors. Did review for fellow author. Humanity's Saving Grace.
Kirk's Landing now on shelf at local Chapters.
- Taxes - had sent ITIN info to Smashwords, but not enough postage for US. Two weeks later gets returned by postal service asking me to put on 25 cents more postage and put in box again. They are definitely losing money on this one.
- Did a little Flash Fiction piece - Payback.
ROW80 check in's - missed Sunday, and late for Wednesday
Reading - New book, If Angels Fall, about a crime reporter. Local newspaper friends recommended it as being a good read and very accurate.
How to write - still keeping up to date with writer/editor/publisher blogs I follow. Which means glance quickly through, then clip into one of several Evernote notebooks. Still need to review in depth as that topic comes up later!
Exercise - spring is here. More walks, more beer on patios. Life is a balancing act.
- Courses - Still catching up. Started new one, via The Open University, Start Writing Fiction. OK so far. Some interesting points, but interaction with other students not that easy. Just have a comment section under each 'lesson', often with 500 comments added. Really need a forum for these courses, so the conversation can be broken up better into various topics.
Ottawa Independent Writers meeting - good presentation on using social media, by Marie Bilodeau. Some tips I can apply, although not sure how to separate my current ongoing persona and that of me as an author. Or if I want to.
Other entertainment. Now that playoffs are on, worthwhile to start following hockey. More focus on playing than fighting.
Gardening - raked leaves and weeds in back, then scattered two tins of wild flower seeds. That's it for me.
Band - we had a practice, then did a concert at a retirement home. Played 10 pieces - our lips were shot by the end!
Social - Same. coffee shop, cafe, pubs, grandkids. Sometimes just see them via a Facetime but still good. Went to a memorial at a local pub for one of the regulars that had just died - ironically of massive liver failure. Stayed long after that group had left, to char with golfing guys, then party with some of the off-duty servers. Photo above. Doing more character studies now, as part of my latest course. Checked out another local - Wednesday is Hump Day there. No humping, but cheap beer. And new characters.
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