ROW80-3 - 09/24 - Final check-in
September 24, 2014
This has been a peculiar session for me. I started back in July with one objective - to get novel #2 edited and out the door. All other writerly tasks were to be relegated to AFTER I edited each day. Well - as I feared - that didn't start off too well, with distractions from reading and Netflix and socializing in my 'hood' and, of course, summer. I finally had to commit to my group of Beta readers that I would send them their copy by the end of August. Which I did, after a 10 day blitz that focused on editing. Since then I've been catching up on other things, but my novel is still hovering around somewhere.
I'm still waiting for Beta feedback from two readers, then have to consolidate, adjust, send to editor/publisher, upload, publish, and launch. Maybe before Christmas, as long as there are no distractions. Such as NaNoWriMo.
I have a NaNoWriMo idea - since last year actually. I've been collecting great feedback on it and doing some research on the period in history, so would likely be ready by November 1. My concern is that if I can find time to spend every morning on writing, that could also be editing time. I really want to get this second novel done. It's not as if I need more manuscripts either, as I have two others already written and waiting for my red pencil. I'll wait and see how much editing I have done by the end of October. Maybe I'll be a NaNoRebel and just do a lot of little Flash Fictions and short stories exploring the topic - do those 'islands' that Mary Carroll Moore talks about. I got her writing guide, Your Book Starts Here on Monday, and like it so far. Lots of good tips and exercise that I can use to explore my new Portal story.
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