FFF - Week 10 - The Retiree
FFF -Week11 - A Secret

ROW80-4 - 11/02 - A Tale of Woe

Or - shit happens. I had a great time last week in Toronto with my sweetie, arriving back here Thursday night. At 4am the fire alarm in the hall went off, so I rushed out to silence the damn thing. Bad move - the rushing bit. I managed to put out my wonky back for several days. Good news was I had food and drugs and wine, and was mobile enough to get to all of those things. Bad news was I had to miss the whole Can-Con 2015 Sci-fi/Fantasy conference, as well as pitch sessions to two local presses.  And didn't get my books delivered for our groups joint table there.

However, having Saturday 'off' meant that when I was not flat out with a heating pad I was able to copy the outline for my NaNoWriMo novel from iPad app to Scrivener. Plus add more scenes for Sunday's start.

My status:

  • Editing - My new spot for writing editing didn't last, as I needed the monitor as a second gaming console and the table to read the newspaper. At any rate, editing done for now. Good enough. 
  • Writing
    • I did two FFF challenges, one about my biggest fear, The Deeps, one incorporating a list of five words, The Retiree. The second one also became a scene from this year's NaNoWriMo novel. 
    • NaNoWriMo - I stuck with the sci-fi story, set in a world where simple ID chips morphed into health records then tracking devices then mood/emotion controls. Main character Karl, retired revolutionary in 70's. Antag is Davros, evil security chief. I used Index Card on my iPad to work on this while away. Went quite well. Then transferred into Scrivener via Dropbox and away I went. On target so far, and then some.  
  • Publishing/Marketing 
    • As noted above, missed my chance to pitch my novel. Will email them, apologize again, and see what can be done. 
  • Reading
    • Nope - was away. 
  • Social - Quiet visit with my red-head.  
  • Health - eating better, but back worse. Doctor's appointment scheduled. 



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Morgan Dragonwillow

Sorry to hear about your back and that you missed out on the conference. Good job working your novel and being ahead in word count! Hope you feel better soon. =)

Shan Jeniah Burton

I'll celebrate the good with you, and commiserate on what didn't work out.

The kids and I were visiting friends in a neighboring state over the weekend, and I got so wrapped up in listening to seven kids working candy trades like mutually respectful moguls that I forgot NaNo was starting!

I did manage to get my words in, plus a few extra, before driving the 300 miles home on Sunday. My Accomplice did several needful things around the house in our absence, despite working all weekend, so we not only unloaded the car but unpacked as well,and I devoted Monday to settling in and reconnecting. Early on the fifth, now, and I've got over 11K in, and plans to try for two complete chapters today.

May you work something out with the publishers, and may that back be back to baseline before you read this!

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