ROW80-1 -02/03 - New goals?
Doin' the Monster Mash-up

ROW80-1 -02/21 -Queries

Well, it's been a while since I checked in. Seems like I got caught up in various odds and ends I guess, especially some non-writing ones. I have been sending out queries to agents, though. Fifteen sent so far, with two rejections. At least they did get back to me.


  • Writing
    • Had another good meeting with my Monday Sci-fi/Fantasy critique group. New members there, with new stories. 
    • I'm almost up to date with my reduced list of writerly blogs to follow.
    • Flash Fiction - none lately. And the prompts have been good.
  • Publishing
    • I'm blending in the latest editing for Return to Kirk's Landing - only a few hours left. 
    • As above, I've sent in queries to 15 agents so far, with two declining. Some want just a letter, some also a synopsis, a few the first 5-10 pages of my novel. Reply times range from 2 to 12 weeks, with some just saying if you don't hear then it's a no. Most allow you to query another agent there, but I've tried to pick the best matches initially.
    • I started to review my existing Flash Fiction to see which might be expandable for short stories, then self-published for the summer..
    • Got my check from Canada Council for having my book in libraries - $203. It was in 4/7 of the ones that they surveyed. out to four more to libraries. Do a mass email to friends in major cities asking all to buy/review/borrow - whatever.
  • Reading/watching
    • Read The Secret of the Blue Trunk for my book club. So-so. 
    • Watch online - not a lot. Lucifer. The Last Kingdom.
  • Mentor
    • Continue to help other in my writer groups and online
  • Other
    • Less visits to the pub partially because of some nasty weather.
    • Walk/exercise more -Not enough. New meds better at managing blood pressure, but need 1/2 walk a day. 
    • Gaming - Still driving around Europe while listening to BBC 6 radio. Restful.


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Shan Jeniah Burton

It's been a while since I stopped by - happy to see you and learn what you've been up to. I wish you the best of luck with querying and self-publishing. I have a story I'm going to bring out this year, as well, but since it will be my first foray, I'm taking my time and moving forward in small doses.

It's good to see you again! =D

Chris Loehmer Kincaid

Best wishes in finding an agent. That is on my to-do list for the year, but it is very time-consuming, isn't it? And when they can't even get back to you with a no reply, it gets frustrating as well. Best of luck with all the rest of your goals as well.

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