ROW80-2 -04/06 -Not springing ahead
ROW80-2 04/27 - What? Minus 5??

ROW80-2 04/20 - Is it really spring?

It's been balmy for a few days, but we didn't trust it at first. We had two warm spells already this year, followed by 10-15 cm snow. But, I was downtown last weekend, at a local legal wall, watching my friends wield their spray cans in the sun, and was back down today to see the finished work. And to check out the 4/20 celebrations on Parliament Hill. Not a huge crowd there, but definitely a friendly one, what with the warm weather and fragrant smoke. 


  • Writing - I'm slowly editing novel #3 
  • Publishing
    • Cancelled two more agents, as they were well past their typical response time.
    • Sent a reminder to the agent that wanted a full manuscript - nothing yet 
  • Reading/Watching
    • Still reading my friend's book, Deadroads. It's very good, but I keep getting distracted. 
    • Our book club finished, and enjoyed, Fatal Affair
    • I'm re-watching Bones, starting with Season 1. I think I missed these.  
    • Video games - still as Wargame: Red Dragon. My truck game is on hold, as the suppliers are updating the add-ons to the base game.  
  • Other
    • pub with friends, to discuss sports and politics. 
    • I finally got a new iPhone, the SE. Same size as my old 5, but faster and better.


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Eden Mabee

A book that you enjoy reading but still find yourself being distracted from... I've read quite a few of those lately. Hopefully that will work itself out.

And the weather! Oy! I've lost so many plants this year already because of snap frosts and hyper-warm days playing tag with each other...

Hope you're holding out, enjoying your songs and social and all the creative energy they bring, Mike. Take care and keep writing.

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