ROW80-3 07/04 - Goal? To get stuff done
July 04, 2016
I guess that should be to get the RIGHT stuff done, as opposed to whatever sparkly thing catches my eye. Being out of the 9-5 rat-race does give one the freedom to structure the day anyway one wants. Or be creative and just see where it takes one. However, for me that second option often means a day filled with reading at a cafe, having drinks with friends, watching Netflix, and playing video games. Nothing wrong with that, but I do realize that if I peel off that label of 'freedom to be creative as I dance through the summer fields tra-la tra-la', underneath it just says, in big glaring letters, PROCRASTINATION.
Procrastination from the actual editing and writing I want to get done, as well as some writerly reading. I have in fact been able to structure things in the distant past and achieve specific goals, so I know it's do-able. I did see the links on the ROW80 page for Pacemaker, but I'm reluctant to distract myself with a new toy. I think I already have what I need. I have a newish laptop, with Scrivener, that I can use separate from my office pc. I've set up a big table in the living room, by the window, with a view of some trees, rooftops, and the sky. I have Pomodoro Focus Keeper on my iPhone to set up my 25/5 minutes schedule for work and rest. I think 4x25 will do for a start, as it's more than I do so far. I also have a publisher for my current novel to nag me to meet deadlines, plus a literary girlfriend to nudge me too.
So, here are my objectives for this Round:
- Publish novel #2, Return to Kirk's Landing.
- This should be my first work task of the day. I'm hoping I have this editing enough by the end of the week for my publisher. Then it's his feedback, copy edit, proofread, cover design, then I do the layout for Createspace.
- Write
- This seems a simple goal, especially if I focus on quick and easy Flash Fiction, such as from here. Scheduling may help, as I too often leave this to the last day for the challenge. I perform better if I start ahead of time, pick a topic, then do a draft first. Besides challenging my writing skills and creativity each week, these stories also help me choose a NaNoWriMo topic.
- Speaking of which, by the end of this round I should at least have a topic for this November's writing challenge.
- Edit novel #3, Agnes of Grimm.
- I'd like to send this out to agents in the late fall, but don't have any firm deadline. I'll do some edits then fire off to Beta readers I assume.
- Read
- Voting for the Aurora Sci-Fi/Fantasy awards closes July 23, so I have at least the novel, short story, and graphic categories to read/skim. With 5-6 nominations per entry.
- I need to get through more of my two TBR shelves, as well the occasional library book that mysteriously pops up on my Hold list.
- Exercise
- I just finished another six days laid up with a bad back. It has a weak spot, and I do have exercises for it, but they don't always get done. Putting them into a daily morning schedule would help.
- Games
- Yes, I think I need to get this in here too, as there's one, Wargame Red Dragon, that my son and I want to get good at but are avoiding.
- Social
- Other than girlfriend visits, I would like to get out and explore the area around Ottawa more. It's been a while and there are many interesting little towns.
An awesome list of goals. Good luck this round!
Posted by: Denise D. Young | July 06, 2016 at 01:08 AM