ROW80-3 -8/31 -Last Chance
Portrait of the Artist

ROW80-3 - 09/21 - Worst session ever?

Finally getting to the final check in of what was a very non-productive round for me. I'm trying to finish up yet another round of editing on a book that I've been fiddling with way too long. I have a publisher set up and have collected even more great feedback but at this stage just want to get it out there as is and decide it is good enough. 

It's a sequel, crime with a bit of fantasy, and is better than the first one. It's the same micro-publisher/coop deal, and my market will be the same small one of friends and a few readers at various book store launches. And some libraries. After this one, I have to find a new one for my several fantasy/sci-fi novels, but am really looking forward to not editing. And not feeling guilty about it.  

Status since start of September: 

  • Editing - an hour here, an hour there. bits here and there. 
  • Writing- Nope, other than FB posts.
  • Publishing - Some discussions on the logistics
  • Social - Lots of visits with kids and grandkids. Birthday for one of them. Painted half the railing at my daughter's, and will finish Monday.  
  • Videos and games
    • No playing videos, but have spent many hours browsing the Reddit posts of my main ones, and watching others play. 
    •   I've been watching more Doctor Who, as well as House of Cards, Doc Martin, A Most Wanted Man on Netflix. All entertaining, all not editing.
  • Reading - Skimmed the headlines of the Saturday Globe and Mail, and the New York Times. Maybe I need to cancel. Didn't finish either 10:04 or So Long Marianne.  I did read, and enjoyed News From the Red Desert, and am halfway through The Martian. My book club did All My Puny Sorrows. We really liked it, but had mixed reviews. Yes, would recommend it for great writing, but would have definite cautions due to the sensitive ideas covered. 
  • Other - I went to the CanCon 2016 sci-fi/fantasy weekend, Sept 9-11. I made some great contacts, met some old friends, and picked up some good tipsw. 


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