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The Lodger

I'm still late with these (blame Christmas) but here's the Flash Fiction Story that was due December 23rd. The challenge was to be a bit dramatic, starting with one of five given sentences.


Red curtain

One definition of drama is ‘an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.’ This week, we want you to choose a starter sentence and let the drama flow.

Prompt: Begin your story with one of the following sentences:

  1. He knew if he told them the truth, they would turn against him.
  2. She ran away quickly, hoping none would follow.
  3. They decided to leave the door unlocked in case it showed up.
  4. The letter revealed a shocking secret.
  5. No one in town wanted to accept the free tickets.

Genre: Drama

Word Count: 1,500 or less

Deadline: December 22, 2016


I couldn't decide which starter to use, so used all five. It's just under 1200 words.

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Evening the Score

Here's another Flash Fiction Friday story. It's a little late but preparations for an early Christmas, plus a book launch, got in the way.


It’s time once again to head ‘em up and move ‘em out. You had a powerful good time at the hoedown last night, and you’ve just finished wetting your whistle at the local saloon. The herd is getting restless, and you’re anxious to saddle up and hit the trail.
Prompt: Write a story set in the Old West that includes the following words: Wagon, dog, campfire, river, and rainstorm
Genre: Western 
Word Count: 1,500 or less
Deadline: December 15, 2016


My story is just over 900 words. 

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Here's this week's challenge from Flash Fiction Friday.


Now that NaNoWriMo is over, we’re back, and we’re putting you to work. A crime has been committed, and we’re assigning you to the case. The detective in your story can be with the police department or a private detective in business for himself/herself.
Prompt: Write a detective story that includes the following words: Investigate, harmless, sister, notebook, and midnight
Genre: Detective Fiction
Word Count: 1,500 or less
Deadline: December 8, 2016
Mine uses some a story idea I've had, just to see how some characters might fit into it. I did this a few weeks ago too, in The Game. This one is just over 1000 words. 

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