ROW80-1 12/03/17 - New tools?
March 12, 2017
I keep looking for ways to deal with my poor productivity, as I procrastinate and often get distracted by sparkly things. As do many of us. ROW80 is a good way to proclaim your goals to your peers, and thus set yourself up for some peer pressure/guilt. Which does work, but I also have been looking at more task and time management tools. I use a Pomodoro app when writing, to set a writing/break timer, which does help. Proper sleep is an issue, so I've added a tracker for my slumbers, that also can record my alleged snoring. It links into the iHealth app, which also tracks exercise, as in getting out and doing several thousand (5000?) steps. And finally, I've added in Streaks - strangely named but designed to build habits, to encourage a 'streak' of several days/weeks in a row for an activity. You're limited to only six tasks, but the idea is to focus on only a few things. Once one of them is fixed as a habit, you can replace it with another tardy task. I have Get Up (as opposed to lie in bed forever), Daily Yoga, those 5000 steps, Write/Edit 2 hr, Monday to Friday, and other 'writerly' tasks for an hour each day - such as book promotion, writerly articles, agent searching. I didn't feel the need to add read, watch Netflix, or play video games.
Oh, and I've been Facebook free for 10 days now! It's a great way to stay connected to people and events, but a great time suck. I need a way to manage it, and maybe just use as an author.
But, since my girlfriend has been gone back home a few days, I'm back at things, so here's some status:
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