ROW80-1 12/03/17 - New tools?
On Abstinence

ROW80-2 - 02/04/17 - Camping

Well, here it is another ROW, and time for some more SMART objectives - as in Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. 

My Goals for 2017 remain the same: write, write better, publish, enjoy life, and stay healthy. 

My Objectives this round, to start anyway, are to:

  • edit my novel Ghost in the Machine for 2 hours a day,
  • do some writerly things (publishing, promoting, researching, etc) an hour a day,
  • walk daily for 4000 steps,
  • do my daily yoga, and
  • get to bed before midnight.

Most are not focused on writing and publishing, but I need more structure to give me a better base to build on - things have been a little too casual lately.  As mentioned before, I've started using Streaks to try to establish some new habits, and a Pomodoro app to track the time. 

I mentioned those were my objectives to start off because I'm Camping to help my editing - as in Camp NaNoWriMo. 30 days of whatever, which will be, for me, editing. After that, maybe more editing, maybe some Flash Fiction. 

And in my spare time (still not on Facebook) I have Netflix (Chronicles of Lizzy Borden is delicious) and Train Simulator. And enjoying the long-awaited Spring. 



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Beth Camp

I like those balanced goals. This time, I just focused on stuff related to writing. Yoga every day??? Well, I'd like to try 3x/week. Thanks for the reference to Streaks and Pomodoro (and links); I'll check them out. And, yes, we may just be S-M-A-R-T by the end of Round 2. May that editing go well!

Shan Jeniah Burton

Always great to see you, Mike.

I started yoga and tai chi a few years back, when I still had two children shorter than me. Tai chi captured my heart, but yoga didn't. I've been thinking, lately, that I'd like to give it another go now that those once-little kids are 15 and only months from 13, and don't need me the way they did back then...

I'm a perennial camper. This year, I'm sharing a topic near and dear to everyone in my family...

Slices of an Unschooling Life
Indie Writer, Mom-in-Chief, and Joyful Learning Facilitator
Shan Jeniah's Lovely Chaos


Here's a link to the yoga - just a quick morning routine.
It's called A Morning Cup of Yoga.

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