ROW80/Twitch in 2019
ROW80-1 -02/01 -Late right off the mark!

ROW80 -Goals and Objectives - 2019

Over the past year or so, my writing focus has been replaced by a pre-occupation with live streaming of my video games. It is entertaining, especially when interacting with viewers, but doesn't 'accomplish' as much. But I am retired. At any rate, there are pros and cons here, but I think I would like to get back to writing, while keeping some gaming time. I'm not sure specifically how to do that, but I'll try to develop some SMART objectives. And I'll trade writing time credits for subsequent gaming time - 1:1? 1:2?

Long-term goals:

  • to become a better writer
  • to grow my community of online followers
  • to maintain my health - mental and physical


  • Write - Because I do enjoy it. I'll target 2 h/day, to start, as I need to develop the bum in the seat habit.
    • Write new material - do one draft Flash Fiction a week. Not particlarly polished, just get it done. I have a long list of story ideas.
    • Edit existing material - I'll start with my third novel, Agnes of Grimm. It's rough, with a few plot holes, but I like the characters.
  • Write better - Read about how to write, and get constructive feedback. These sites offer critiques - I'll try some. And by helping others to write, via specific feedback or just general encouragement.
    • My main source of writing info is a series of writerly blogs. Objective  -stay current. 
    • I'm in two writers groups, with regular meetings - Objective will be to attend both, and network with both old and new members.
  • Publish/market  - We publish partially for the glory and bags of money, but also for the feedback and increased marketability. 
    • I do have over 100 FF written already, here. I'll try to cycle them through the critique groups, and send off one a week to some publishers.
    • My two novels are available online in print and ebook, on many sites, as well as in libraries across Canada. I use them as give-aways to subscribers to my gaming stream, and carry print copies with me just in case. Need new marketing ideas - perhaps when I have some FF out there too, 
  • Read with purpose - there are lots of good/great books out there, but not enough time for them all. So I need to focus on well-written books, and note why they are well written. As opposed to skimming through mystery and sci-fi/fantasy just to escape other tasks. 
    • Objective - read and review a book a week. That may need to be done as a limit, as I can read more, but at the expense of other things. 
  • Better health - My BP and cholesterol are good, but more exercise would be okay. And less weight.
    • My Fitbit target is currently 3500 steps a day. I can do 5000 as I wander my 'hood, or 1000 if I stay in. Objective - 5 times a week. Similarily, sleep target is 7 hours, starting at midnight. Objective - 5 times a week.  
  • Stay social - That's a given, what with walking about, visits to local cafes and bars, and all my grandkids being in Ottawa. Plus frequent hookups with my girlfriend. 
    • Again, limits for some of this, as I have several bars within a short stroll. Picking a less than direct route would add to my steps. 
  • Have fun - I had this objective last year for casual fun, like Netflix and video games. But now gaming, and Twitch streaming, has grown to several hours a day, at various times, for various durations. Sometimes I have viewers to chat with, sometimes not.
    • Set up a regular schedule
    • Limit hours online to how many I 'earned' via writing
    • Develop my brand as a restful, laid-back Bob Ross sort of site, while adding some variety
    • The objective here is mostly to track and keep an eye on this. 
  • Chores - I added this to capture bigger jobs, like take down Christmas stuff, sort through photos, file papers. This will be another time-based activity, but I'm hoping that putting it here on my list will remind me to bite off a chunk each day.  


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Eden Mabee

Wow... you went in whole hog, Mike. Then again, you definitely have a solid streak of ambition that's served you well and will no doubt continue to.

A question about the writing time.... Did you mean two hours a day? I mean, it's not a "lot" but if you haven't built up the practice, it might be easier to set aside a smaller chunk (and healthwise, it might be better to write for 20 minutes then get up and do something physical before sitting again). It'll also open up a block of time to do some of the things in that chore category that you seem uncertain about.

Smaller successes, but the kind you can add to easily. Always easy to do more.... but if you get frustrated and end up giving up because you tried to "do it all" that would suck, wouldn't it?


I know, it does seem ambitous. I'll work toward it. I use a Pomodoro timer app to set myself 25 minute work segments, then a 5 minute break. Or maybe a 10 minute break, so time to pop in some laundry or do some dishes.

Lila Leigh

I have found that 20/10 works good for me when using Pomodoro.

Your plans sound like a good start for a routine. Best luck!

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