Together as One
A Cold Choice

ROW80-1 -17/02 -At least I've been writing

Not a lot of progress on my objectives for the past two weeks, but I have been writing. Two FFF's completed. Other than that, some blogs read, some critiques done, and a lot of online gaming. And some books read/started.


  • Write
    • I finished two FFF challenges. The first one, The Apprentice,  was in response to a given first line - randomly selected by each writer from a list of six. The second was a Valentine's theme, with a twist.  
    • The next challenge is to test your character, in a blizzard. Since we've had 'some' snow in North America, that should be easy.
  • Write better
    • I have been critiquing my fellow FFF writers, as well as local writers. I had joined an online group,, but am falling behind. And you have to do at least one critique a week to stay in good enough standing to get your own work looked at. 
    • Master Class, by Neil Gaiman - Started, and stalled, No real deadlines, which is bad for me 
  • Publish/market - I'm updating my story list, slowly, to include my recent work too. 
  • Read - I got a whack of books all at the same time from my library requests. Damn. The Winters is a re-telling of DuMaurier's Rebecca (apparently). Romance and mystery, and an easy read.  I'm currently reading Transcription. Very well written, showing a clever turn of a phrase and a wide vocabulary. 
  • Health
    • Walking goes well. Sleeping even better, with my gfriend here, as we retire early. 12-ish. As opposed to my staying up until 2-3
    • With all this snow, any walking counts extra, as the sidewalks are snow-covered. 
    • We went snowshoeing - briefly. It was quite deep, with a firm crust. which meant once you broke through you sank several inches, and before moving forward you had to lift the shoe straight up. But it was fun.
  • S0cial - Gfriend here for a visit. Dropped into my local a couple of times.  Made some awesome ribs and brough to a friend's for dinner. And we visited my daughter and her family for dinner and stories. 
  • Fun
    • Gaming - There was a train derailment, IRL. CP freight, in the Rockies, with three fatalities. I have a train simulator with that route and train units, so played with a re-creation of the event. And then did several other trips to explore the mountains. It's a very slow game to play, never mind watch, but a number of my regular followers popped in. I guess they like my style. 
    • Netflix - Watching Designated Survivor, with Keifer Sutherland. It's good. Also started Agatha and the Truth of the Murder - quirky. 
  • Chores - I undecorated Christmas and boxed it all up. Lots of shovelling and sanding and salting outside. 



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Jennette Marie Powell

Sounds like you had a great week, having some fun and getting a lot of writing done! Good job on the FFF, and keep up the good work!

Eden Mabee

I hear you on the "no deadlines" thing with your online class, Mike. Sometimes knowing someone is expecting something of me is the only way I get it done. That said, everyone I've spoken with or heard from said that particular class is excellent and well worth taking. So... if there are no actual deadline, maybe make your own?

Otherwise, you've been keeping a good mix going there. Lookin' sharp!

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