The Caretaker
GITM, and editing in reverse

ROW80-2 -21/06/19 - Wrap-up

I think the official end was yesterday, but who's counting? I met some objectives, missed some, and will adjust some for the next ROW .

My long-term goals remain the same:

  • to become a better writer
  • to grow my community of online followers
  • to maintain my health - mental and physical

Objectives (writerly and an 'other' section):

  • Write - Target was 1 hr/d, early. I usually got the writing in, but the time varied.
    • Write new material - one draft Flash Fiction a week.-Done
    • Edit existing material - to send in for publication - see below. 
    • Work on my next novel -I explored an idea in a few Flash Fiction stories, and have something now for NaNoWriMo.
  • Write better - Read about how to write, and get constructive feedback.
    • My main source of writing info is a series of writerly blogs. Stayed current.
    • Continue with setting Flash Fiction prompts. Good for challenge, practice, and feedback. Objective - set a challenge a week. Done
  • Publish/market  - We publish partially for the glory and bags of money, but also for the feedback and increased marketability. 
    • I have many FF written already, here. I'll re-examine them, and send off one a week to some publishers. Partial - sent maybe 3 off, to several publishers. Some no, some still waiting. 
    • I've been trying to edit my second story about Agnes and friends for too long. I asked some advice about the other four, and got a recommendation. So - next ROW, a new focus. The Ghost in the Machine.
  • Read with purpose
    • Objective - read and review a book a week. Sort of. 


  • Better health
    • Fitbit target to 3500 steps a day. Objective - 5 times a week. Missed this. I blame my new local, only 1000 or so steps away.
    • Set sleep target to 7.5 hours, starting at midnight. Objective - 5 times a week.  Doing better at this, but still get tempted by late night Netflix and cheap wine.
  • Stay social - That's a given, what with walking about, visits to local cafes and bars, and all my grandkids being in Ottawa. Not bad, but too many pubs? 
  • Have fun - Gaming, Netflix.
    • Set up a regular schedule Doing  8-11 pm, sort of. Works better.
    •   Lots of good stuff on Netflix. Re-watching Grey's Anatomy (well written), loved Good Omens.
  • Chores - I added this to capture bigger jobs. Some done, but would do better as sub-tasks.


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Rui Chan

I liked Good Omens too. Well, mostly David Tennant... =)

Looks like it was a good round overall.

Shan Jeniah Burton

Good Omens is on my list. Thing is, so are a lot of other shows, some of which I'm watching with the kids...

You seem to have a pretty good sense of why things worked or didn't, and ideas on where to make changes. That's a good way to make things go better next round.

See you then!

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