
ROW80-4 09/10/2019 Techie Times

Well, I did set my objectives, but this is my first update. I was at my girlfriend's, then doing lots of techie stuff wrt podcasting. Not an easy thing to get into. But I did get some writing done too.

Objectives, with Status in italics:

  • Write/create - Because I do enjoy it. 
    • Write new material - Objective - one draft Flash Fiction a week. I did one Oct 4 for my FFF promp, called Infection. Next one is done too, but it was a contest entry for NYC Midnite Microfiction, so I can't publish it yet. 
    • Set a prompt - done. Used one for a contest, 250 words in 24 hours.  
    • Podcast - I'll read my previous FF - maybe 1/2 week
      • Research tools, podcasts - I've been following several reading podcasts, and checking out their web page. Checked out tools too, and will use Simplecast to start off. I did a lot of tinkering with my existing web page's DNS settings to improve them. Those all need to be re-designed - later. Bought for my site. 
      • Set-up site -I registered and started setup. 
      • Register site with Apple, Spotify, etc
      • Edit 2 stories and upload
      • Launch
      • Do 2/week (?)
  • Write better - Read about how to write, and get constructive feedback.
    • Writerly blogs. Objective  -stay current. Doing so, but I need a couple of podcasting ones. 
    • Various local and online groups. Objective - check regularly, and post my FF stories and prompts there. Done
  • Publish/market  - We publish partially for the glory and bags of money, but also for the feedback and increased marketability. 
    • I do have over 100 FF written already, here. As I tweak them for podcasting, I'll see which ones I might send off to magazines, etc.. No commitments here. 
    • My two novels are available online in print and ebook, on many sites, as well as in libraries across Canada. I use them as give-aways to subscribers to my gaming stream, and carry print copies with me just in case. Objective - ensure podcasts link to them.
  • Read with purpose - Objective - read and review a book a week. I'm trying to get through Late Nights on Air, by Elizabeth Hay. 1/3 of the way through, and I am getting bored. 
  • Better health - My BP and cholesterol are good, but more exercise would be okay. And less weight. Objective - track all these.
    • Fitbit step tracker. Objective - 3500 steps 5 times a week. Big fail - average is 2000/day this week. 
    • Fitbit sleep Objective - a 'good' sleep, 5 times a week. Average this week is 78% 
    • Less weight. Less alcohol, less late at night, regular meals, less snacks. All those would also ensure better sleep. Whatever ;-)
  • Stay social - That's a given, what with online gaming, walking about, visits to local cafes and bars, and all my grandkids being in town. Objective - track it. Local 4/7 nights. 
  • Have fun - I had this objective last year for casual fun, like Netflix and video games. Online - new map, on a 9000 km trip in Russia.  497 total stream followers now.
  • Chores - Capture bigger jobs. None.


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