A New Direction?

Thursday, the whatever of October

PXL_20211020_210536757My time sense has faded with Covid and lockdowns, but I think tomorrow is TGIF day. I'll need to remember to rave about it if I meet anyone. Today was a grey day, and cool, but I did get out for a walk, which helped. And streamed/chatted with friends. I'm gradually looking at less of the Facebook, before it explodes into the Multiverse, but have noted a few tidbits throughout the day for you. Whoever you are out there. I'll try to do this daily, as a relaxing reflection for myself after supper.

From Youtube, a look at a new map that will be included with the release of FS22, Elm Creek. It's already setup for multiplayer, with a choice of several farms. 

From New York Magazine - a sardonic view of what the new Facebook might be. Will it be an exciting new world for us all, or just our Tarturus, a prison for humanity?

From the Washington Post - Trump is trying to launch his own social media site, where tweets are Truths and retweets are ReTruths and the news feed is Truth Feed. Supported by donations I'm sure, with any extra cash helping maintain the lfestyle of the Trumps.  

From the Onion, breathtaking news of a new initiative by the Democrats to raise money. 

And also from the Onion, a breakthrough for a composer.



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