RP: SubStack -Oct 24/23 -Consumers, Cuffs, and COVID
RP: SubStack -Suburbs, Hugs, and Monkey Bars

RP: SubStack -Flip-flops, Girl Guides, and Food Banks


By hikkyo ikan on Unsplash

More flip flops than a beach holiday - From a Toronto Star Editorial - Another day, another policy climbdown for Doug Ford’s government

They will be cancelling their arbitrary planned changes to the municipal boundaries of Hamilton, Ottawa, Barie, Guelph and many others. This is after also cancelling the proposed release of 3,000 supposedly protected hectares of Greenbelt land around Toronto. These rollbacks are after several damning reports on his gov’t, so voters aren’t really pleased, knowing he’s only changing because he got caught. Developers aren’t pleased either, as many had invested in the new projects they thought they would start. However, they can always sue the gov’t, and we’ll pay in the end. As we get it in the end.

These latest issues will just add to Ford’s existing list of cutbacks and broken campaign promises. Will it be enough for a change in gov’t in June of 2026? Voters seem to have short memories, and once the headlines have gone most lose interest in politics.

484657b1-dc9a-464f-8642-fe18df288ca7_1199x800 Girl Guides avoid Santa - They won’t take part in the Kanata parade. And it’s not because they want to reserve the naughty or nice judgement to their own Badges, they say (via CTV) it’s strictly for secular reasons. I had to check the deets, the Guides say “GGC is a secular organization, which means that Guiding is not affiliated with, nor privileges any religion or faith-based beliefs, behaviours and traditions . . . promoting religious practices may be unintentionally turning away future members who don't share those beliefs . . . the organization tries to avoid events that ‘have their roots in religion,’ such as a Christmas parade.

Now don’t say ‘that’s so woke!” I hate that term, a negative term that may be used by those who are unwoke, lacking in empathy, and unwilling to make concessions for others. But while I do think this decision goes a little far, I suppose the Guides do have a point, strictly speaking. Looking at that policy, they can’t attend.

However, there are lots of things in life with roots in religion - Easter, Eid, Thanksgiving, Christmas presents, getting Sunday off, Gothic architecture, marriage, burial practices, many moral and ethical attitudes, classical music - I assume they will warn the girls about all these?

BTW - Apparently the Scouts are still in the march.


Screenshot-2022-08-09-133432 (Small) Rush on the bank, the food bank - From CBC News - As cost of living soars, millions of Canadians are turning to food banks

I’m in an older area of Ottawa, Mechanicsville, with old clapboard rental places, rent-to-income blocks, seniors centres, trendy in-filled triplex condos, and a couple of huge towers. I like the mix. There are some poorer areas, where people are dependent on food banks, but so are many of the middle class. Rents and food prices are high for us all. I’m OK, but I can’t remember the last time I splurged on a beef steak.

The Mino'weesini Food Bank (named after the Algonquin term meaning good eats) is part of the Parkdale Food Centre. They operate on a points system - a person has so many points a month, and each food has a point value. People can pick and choose to fill their basket. The food bank served 1300 people last month, and they get donations from the Parkdale bank, local bakeries and grocers, and various organizations, such as a garden some local volunteers run.

A relative of mine died recently. Rather than flowers I usually donate to a charity of their choice. I think I’ll start using my choice - such as this food bank. She would have liked that.


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