Ack! - another book
February 27, 2011
Or maybe ack ack ack ack!
Another book percolated to the top of my hold list yesterday - it's so nice having a library only a 15 minute walk away. And since a common bit of advice to writers is to read a lot - I am. Mostly fiction, but also several on how to write. Yesterday I picked up another one by P. D. James, An Unsuitable Job for a Woman, and almost made it home. "My" pub had an open stage going on, so I stayed to listen, and chat, and drink many pints. Life goes on.
The Middle East's various conflicts are still covered in print and online but there's not quite the distraction of a few weeks ago, as many watched live coverage from Tahrir Square in Egypt. I know it used up a lot of my day - as well as my online bandwidth. Yesterday's Citizen had a good article by Ian MacLeod - Birth of a Revolution- that explained some of the demographics of the region, of what some call "age rage" . While 36% of Canadians are under 30, in Yemen it's 73%. Coupled with high unemployment rates - 27% in Tunisia and an overburdened medical and education system, with internet access to show what other more fortunate countries provide, and as a way to communicate across borders, it's not surprising that there is so much unrest.
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