Ontario Election 2022

Ontario Election 2022 - not a surprise?
Apparently that's what we wanted, no surprises, stay the course, better the devil you know, ya-da ya-da.
Ford peddled a Goldilocks pablum, not too far left, not too far right, just comfortably in the middle. Whether that's what we actually get will be another story. Somehow this defender of corporations is now also a blue-collar conservative party, that will magically cut taxes while increasing services, that will promote climate change and mass transit while building huge highways, that will care about our health while privatizing services and piling on user fees.

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When is an apology not an apology?

51404667741_c029a13c79_e TL;DR - When it's all about you.

(Note - edited Aug 19)

  • When you say your behaviour is inexcusable, then offer up excuses, refusing to accept responsibility.
  • When you apologize, then expect the other person to do their part and pardon/forgive you.
  • When your motivation, and any regrets you feel, are only based on others now seeing you as a bad person. BTW - you'll know this if you immediately feel better, no more regrets or shame.

What might be a good apology?

  • Start with "I'm sorry." Not just regrets.
  • Add in, carefully, details such as 'sorry I hurt you, sorry I crashed your car, sorry I ignored you."
  • Acknowledge the consequences of what you did.
  • Offer a plan on how you will fix this wrong and how you will try to avoid it again.
  • Be clear that any forgiveness/pardon/trust is entirely up to them.
  • Push back, gently, if they try to say it was nothing. If you hurt them, then it was something.

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Though this be madness, yet there is method in ’t.

I'm sure Polonius would have not hesitated to apply this to Donny's strategies, mad as they might seem. 

I had hoped to awake November 4th with one of my stressors gone -- the uncertainty over the election. Nope. The unprecedented piles of mail-in votes still have to be counted and all the Republican court challenges dealt with before we know the result. Yet Donny was on the airwaves at 2:30 in the morning, not only claiming victory but also wanting the count stopped. Especially in states where the continuing count is likely to slide the balance away from him and toward Biden. He seems to think he can go right to his Supreme Court for this, as if he can just pick up the phone and give them a call. Yes, he may try that in his madness, but it's not the process.

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On Easter Sunday, my "Come to Jesus" moment.

To paraphrase a saying, you can't fix stubborn. Especially now, with respect to COVID-19. So much misinformation, such simple rules, so many people misquoting and/or misbehaving. 

I'm in good health, but over 70. That places me in a higher risk group so I've chosen to self-isolate as much as I can. In the last 4 weeks I've managed to limit my shopping to 4 times - twice for groceries, twice for the drug store. It helps that I was always an introvert, and comfortable with myself, so for me being alone does not mean being lonely. A credit card and willingness to use Amazon also helps.

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