What era does MAGA refer to? More 'socialist' times?

A few days ago the historian Heather Cox Richardson posted a 'letter' outlining some US economic history, from the early 1900's to now. 

The rallying cry for Trump was to Make America Great Again, always a good slogan, because many, not all, have fond memories of "the good old days".  And not a new slogan being used by Reagan and Clinton. This referral may be back to the 1920's, but it was never clear to me when he meant. Maybe they meant in the 1960's. Maybe in the pre-Colonial, pre-invasion of North America days.

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If we ignore all this political crap will it just go away?

Unfortunately, no. 

I have friends that never get involved in politics, not even to follow events in the news or discuss them with friends. Never mind support a party or run for office. Their choice, but they live in a world controlled by politicians, so are giving up any control they might have on a lot of things. Many of them still complain though.

Other friends had been trying to keep up to date with the political circus, especially in the US, and have now thrown up their hands in despair. Hopefully, they will be back.

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And the world didn't end after all

As expected, Trump was not found guilty of impeachable offences, as nobody in his Senate was willing to shout out  "You're Fired". It is interesting that there was one dissenting Republican, Mitt Romney, who said that his religion and his oath to the Constitution meant he could not give Trump a 'pass' on this.  This meant Trump couldn't claim it was a partisan witch hunt.  However, Donald did dismiss the vote as coming from a 'failed Presidential candidate", so he didn't really count it in.

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It's the end of the world as we know it.

Okay, maybe the R.E.M tune isn't called for yet, but we're getting there bit by bit. Sort like the story of the frog in the pot of water, that doesn't notice the temperature gradually rising until it's too late. 

I watched the SOTU last night - AKA the State of the Union. It was a fantastic extravaganza, a reality TV show hosted by a master showman, a campaign rally targeting his base and anyone else with a preference for bumper sticker style politics. I was expecting at one point all the Republicans would be told to bend over and look under their seats for a prize. Unfortunately, they'd only see their own asses, which is where all too many of them have inserted their heads. I did appreciate that Nancy Pelosi followed up his theatrical bombast with a small gesture of her own - she tore up his speech. 

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