The Skull
February 01, 2013
This week's challenge from Terrible Minds was to write based on a motif. As Chuck wrote:
What, is it, you ask? Besides someone explaining that they have plenty of chompers in their mouth? (Wait for it, you’ll get it. I’ll just stand here while you… ah, good, you got it.)
A motif is not a theme. It is not a mood. It is a recurring element. A repeated symbol or overarching image.
So, today, I’m going to give you 10 motifs.
You will choose one. Randomly, either by d10 or by random number generator.
This motif will be a significant symbol or element in your story. Symbolically and/or literally.
I’ll also toss in two other categories: setting and subgenre.
Choose (randomly or otherwise) one from each. 1000 words max.
The following were the choices we had:
I rolled, and got 2-5-5.
That gave me:
- Skulls
- Comic Fantasy
- Inside the mind of another character
This was a fun little story - only 500 words. Not sure if I did skull as a re-ocurring element or symbol - mine was the main character. Here it is anyways.
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