Too many choices
September 28, 2007
Seems to be THE week for new series to start, and last year's successes to resume. I was busy trying to figure which were worthwhile, which were worthless. I know, in our younger days we were proud of NOT watching TV, now I've the time and like to be entertained. I do draw the line at 'reality' TV though.
Highlight on Monday was a new double Doctor Who for the fall. OK - not a kickoff, it was an end to this current series. But it still was good. I'm not sure when it resumes - maybe January.
Tuesday House resumed - with the old grump on his own. All three of his pet doctors from last season were gone - I'm not sure if that was plot driven or studio politics. This season he'll hire more eager ones and it will be deja vu all over again. Hugh Laurie is great, but not sure how long he can he can keep it up. I'll stick with him for now. Competition in the same slot will be from Reaper - I like it so far. A bit like Dead Like Me - young man discovers his parents sold his soul to the Devil, now that he's 21 he has to work for his new boss. His job is to return escaped souls back to Hell, using a bright red Dirt Devil hand held vacuum to suck them up. He then delivers them to one of Hell's portals - in the first show it's a typical crowded and inefficient DMV office. Not a great concept, but interesting for now, with some good cast members.
Wednesday was a night of more double bookings - Private Practice at 9 - a spin off from Grey's Anatomy. Was entertaining, with the same preoccupation with sex and people trying to grow up as we saw in Grey's. All while they work in a "wellness" clinic - whatever the heck that is. Also at 9 was Bionic Woman - it was pretty good. Same concept as before, with the addition of a bad version running around too, sort of a beta version that got released by mistake. Then at 10 was a new one called Life, about a cop with a Zen twist. Interesting, so far. Also on then was Dirty Sexy Money - about a lawyer that has to babysit the various spoiled and/or weird members of a very rich family. Donald Sutherland plays the patriarch of the clan. A nice collection of rotten spoiled, yet oddly charming characters. We all love to watch the rich be less than perfect. Also, on Wednesday, Kelsey Grammer started (last week) in Back to You. It might be OK, did get a couple of big guffaws out of me.
Thursday was the new season of Grey's Anatomy - still a soap, with some sex in a corner, involving winsome Merideth of course. More new interns, some of the old issues still chugging along. And then another new one on after it, Big Shots. "The boys", CEO's, with problems just like us poor folk, just with more foi gras and champagne. How cute.
And in the midst of them all - annoying ads for the Ontario Election. Annoying because they all seem to be the same negative - don't vote for my opponent because he did/didn't do whatever, and he's a right bastard. Vote for my party because here's all the things we will do, for free, we promise, cross our hearts. And, don't forget the referendum on what new process we should use to pick one of these bright eyed optimists next time. OK - maybe I'm getting a little cynical.